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Health Care

Are Your Kids Eating Dangerous Nanoparticles?

February 13, 2013
Photo Credit: Jacqueline Argote – Zach Behar Films WATCH THE VIDEO Uh oh…. The nonprofit corporate watchdog As You Sow just found nanoparticles in the Dunkin Donuts they tested! How they got in there and why they're in there is not well understood. But what is known is that the tiny titanium...
Andy Behar's picture

Sex and the Super Bowl

February 5, 2013
“Where do babies come from?” That perfectly normal question from children has been striking fear in the hearts of some parents since our culture started allowing children to be seen AND heard. The question sometimes seems to come too soon ( why are you thinking about that already? ) and almost...
Leslie Kantor's picture

Why We Need a Pesticide Reporting System in Maryland – And You Do, Too

February 4, 2013
In 1990, when I lived in Los Angeles, my 4-year old son and I were both poisoned by the aerial spraying of malathion. The state had sprayed vast residential areas in an attempt to eradicate the Mediterranean fruit fly—a devastating pest that threatened California’s multi-billion dollar agriculture...
Ruth Berlin's picture

Teen Mom's School Refuses to Let Her Pump Milk

January 31, 2013
Yesterday a friend posted a link to a Facebook group I'm in about Jaielyn, a high school sophomore in Delaware whose school won't let her pump or store breast milk at school. I read the article and my head spun. I've been here before. I got pregnant at the end of my sophomore year of high school...
Charlie Rose's picture

Mental Health Care Must Trump Guns

January 30, 2013
The Newtown, Tucson and Virginia Tech “shooters” all chose guns over mental health care. So we debate gun control. But a true solution must involve a serious examination of our mental health system. Even if Adam Lanza, Jared Loughner and Seung-hui Cho had no access to guns, they still would have...
Dora Calott Wang's picture

Victory for Moms! Tide Agrees to Reformulate!

January 29, 2013
You did it! Procter & Gamble has just agreed to reformulate Tide and Tide Free & Gentle to drastically reduce the levels of the cancer-causing chemical 1,4-dioxane! Learn more. In just one short year, you moved the biggest consumer product company on the planet to make this change. Together...
Cassidy Randall's picture

How Big Food is targeting my toddler

January 27, 2013
"Dora, mama! Dora!" I'm walking with my 22-month-old daughter through Target, and I'm not surprised to hear her yell the name of her favorite cartoon character, Dora the Explorer. What does surprise me is that we're not in the toy aisle, or the book aisle, or even the clothing section -- we're in...
Pamela Mejia's picture

Reproductive Rights and Realities on the 40th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade

January 21, 2013
When we observe the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade on January 22, we are celebrating a major milestone in women’s health, equality, and status as citizens. At its core, Roe stands for women’s right to make important decisions about our own lives. This momentous Supreme Court decision protects both...
Rachel Roth's picture

Next EPA leader? This choice matters. A lot.

January 18, 2013
President Obama faces a profound decision as he considers who will step into Lisa Jackson's shoes. Over the past decade, EPA has become a lightening rod for the heated partisan debate about the size and role of government. The agency has also come to serve as a rhetorical punching bag for those...
Kristin Schafer's picture

Boys Need Help with Body Image, Too

January 14, 2013
I vividly remember once overhearing my then-six-year-old son’s friend asking how he could get six-pack abs. I was shocked that these young boys were so concerned with their appearance and so aware of what the media was pushing as the ideal male body. Of even more concern, a strong desire to look...
Leslie Kantor's picture
