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Health Care

Kids Should be Part of This Adult Conversation

March 22, 2012
Next week, a very adult conversation begins at the U.S. Supreme Court, but much of it will have an enormous impact on children. For three days, lawyers will argue over the constitutionality of two major provisions in the Affordable Care Act—the so-called “individual mandate,” requiring most...
Ann OLeary's picture

Celebrate Health Care Reform: Tweet chats, carnivals, stories, and more!

March 21, 2012
Happy second birthday, health care reform! This week is the two year anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Over the past two years, millions of families have been helped by health care reform, and when new provisions kick in 2014, millions more will have access to crucial health...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

UPDATED x 2: The Affordable Care Act and Latino Families – A MomsRising/MamásConPoder Blog Carnival!

March 21, 2012
Para español, haga clic aquí . March 23rd is the two-year anniversary of the historic passage of the Affordable Care Act. I have always believed that all Americans, including Hispanic Americans, should have access to affordable, quality health care. As a Member of the Senate Finance Committee, I...
Senator Robert Menendez's picture

Peter Goodwin, Pioneer for Human Liberty

March 21, 2012
Eighteen years ago, Dr. Peter Goodwin led the fight to grant Oregonians the right to end-of-life choice. I was honored to work alongside Peter as a co-campaigner and call him a friend. Both as a physician and an advocate, he promoted honesty in facing death. This month he confronted his own...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture

Prognosis ACA: Two Years Later Children are Healthier and Better Off

March 20, 2012
As we mark the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) two-year anniversary, families across the nation are grateful because they know firsthand that their children are safer and better protected and healthier because of health care reform. While people on all sides of the political spectrum continue to weigh...

DIY Green Spring Cleaning

March 20, 2012
Happy first day of Spring! Spring break is here or on it's way, the Spring holidays are just around the corner, and with all this Spring merriment comes a host of Spring chores. It's time for spring cleaning! Photo credit: Photo by Flickr user bies This year, why not skip pricey, potentially toxic...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

I will NOT be denied: Protect women's health care!

March 19, 2012
The Maryland Women’s Coalition for Health Care Reform is proud to join the National Women’s Law Center’s I Will NOT Be Denied™ campaign to educate the public about the benefits of the health care law and what is at stake if it is repealed. We are joining the NWLC in releasing their new campaign...
Leni Preston's picture

Celebrating the 2nd Anniversary of the Affordable Care Act! A MomsRising member stories blog carnival

March 19, 2012
March 23rd will mark the second anniversary of the signing of the Affordable Care Act. In the time since it first went into effect, this law has improved the lives and health of millions--with many more improvements to come as the law is fully implemented in 2014. At MomsRising, we've heard from...
Kristin's picture

Reform. It’s Good For Your Health

March 19, 2012
Even as many of us celebrate the 2nd anniversary of the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), others are trying to turn back the clock. Have they forgotten that with our former health care system, thousands of Americans were going bankrupt, losing their houses and even...
Leni Preston's picture

Healthcare Reform and Breastfeeding

March 19, 2012
Two years have passed since the signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act . In it, provision 4207 stated that employers must provide a place other than a bathroom and reasonable time for women to express their breastmilk during the baby’s first year of life. The Department of Labor’...
