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Health Care

Chemicals of Concern to Our Children

March 12, 2012
As moms, we all want to protect our children from harm. But what if that harm is invisible, occurs daily, and is almost impossible to stop without government intervention?
Michelle Noehren's picture

United, as Women and for Women

March 9, 2012
Yesterday was the 101st annual International Women’s Day . In some countries this Day holds the same stature as Mother’s Day and celebrates women’s economic, political and social achievements. More or less concurrently, proposals landed in Congress and in states around the nation to excuse...
Barbara Coombs Lee's picture

Latte Factor: End Breastfeeding Discrimination

March 8, 2012
Joanne* had her baby, took a 12 week job protected leave through the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and then dutifully returned to work. She spoke with her supervisor about her desire to continue pumping her breast milk and they worked out a reasonable schedule for her to use a back room to pump...
Genevieve Colvin's picture

Wellness Wednesday: Women and Heart Disease

March 7, 2012
Photo Credit: Flickr User Fanny While February was American Heart Month, we want to keep the celebration going and keep our hearts healthy year round. Right now, heart disease is the leading cause of death for American women, killing more than one third . More women than men die of cardiovascular...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

New Report Shows Cultural and Linguistic Outreach is Critical to the Success of the ACA

March 7, 2012
Our latest report put numbers to what we already knew – communities of color have the most to gain from the successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act. Achieving Equity by Building a Bridge from Eligible to Enrolled , developed in partnership with UCLA Center for Health Policy Research...
Ellen Wu's picture

5 Nontoxic Pregnancy Tips

March 7, 2012
Reducing your exposure to toxic chemicals during your pregnancy is important for the health of you and your little one. Luckily, it doesn't have to be a chore. You can reduce your toxic chemicals exposures while you reduce morning sickness, stretch marks, aches, acne, and more. Take small steps and...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Between Your Navel and Your Knees

March 4, 2012
From Your (Wo)manInWashington blog MOTHERS changing the conversation @ Let’s take a moment to review the current state of American women’s access to the full range of reproductive health services. It keeps popping up in the media, and it’s no mystery why...
Valerie Young's picture

Public Programs That Work -- Good News on Children's Coverage

March 1, 2012
Late last year, while official Washington and its pundits were busy deconstructing the failure of the "Super Committee" and the rest of us were planning our holiday celebrations, the National Center for Health Statistics quietly released its 2011 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data. Among...
Gene Lewit's picture

Technology and Innovation Supporting Health

February 29, 2012
The Wireless Foundation joined the text4baby initiative over two years ago because of the clear value we see in using mobile technology to improve the health of families in this country. Text4baby is the first of its kind – a free-to-end-user mobile health education service that provides moms with...
Kimberly Bassett's picture

5 DIY Nontoxic Baby Care Products

February 29, 2012
Photo credit: Photo by Flickr user Will Nickelson Great news: Nontoxic baby care products don't have to be expensive! Organic, nontoxic, or even fragrance free items for our little ones can veer towards the pricey side. Luckily, there are easy, affordable DIY solutions for many commonly used baby...
Claire Moshenberg's picture
