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Health Care

Do Congressional Leaders Not Get Sick?

July 7, 2011
The other day I witnessed a disturbing sight in my corner of the city on a street lined by multi-lanes and whizzing cars. A couple of kids about my kids’ ages – a 7-year-old boy and 4-year-old girl – were doing a big shopping – not candy! -- at Walgreens. I watched them check out, receive three...
Elisa Batista's picture

Why Medicaid Matters So Much for Young Adults

July 7, 2011
xMedicaid has historically been a lifeline for the very poor with children, for the disabled, and for the elderly. The 50 million already served should be reason enough to protect Medicaid from disastrous cuts currently being proposed in Congress. However, people may not realize just how important...

Saving Medicaid: Why The LGBT Community Should Care

July 7, 2011
In the banquet of spending cuts laid out as part of the debt negotiations, everyone seems to want a piece of Medicaid. Congress and the Administration are hungry for $4 trillion in savings, and while a powerful voting bloc of seniors helps protect Medicare, Medicaid serves people whose voices at...

UPDATED: Moms to Congress: “Have a Heart”

July 7, 2011
UPDATE: Exciting news! The White House met with our members Gail, Jessica and Emily on July 7. Senior White House officials listened as these moms shared how Medicaid helped them. They made such a strong impression, the White House said in the blogpost: "[w]e will be doing all we can to fight for...
Kristin's picture

Ryan Medicaid Cuts Kick Most Vulnerable to Curb

July 7, 2011
Ever since I can remember (and long before then), I have relied on access to quality healthcare in order to not only have a good quality of life—but simply in order to keep living. My parents and I moved from Puerto Rico to Orlando Florida in 1990, when I was only three years old, so that I could...
Laura Tellado's picture

Medicaid Helps People in Times of Need Following Natural Disasters

July 7, 2011
Natural disasters such as the tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri and the flooding that affected residents of several states along the Mississippi river, serve as stark reminders of the important role the federal government plays in helping states respond to such events. Health care is one of the...
Say Ahhh's picture

During a Recession, We Should Protect Our Elderly

July 7, 2011
Throughout my life, my mother has had her battles: she raised six kids, survived the death of my father, and worked very difficult jobs as an immigrant in the United States. She was a stay-at-home mother for six children – three boys and three girls. I am the fifth child. When my father died 27...

En La Recesión, Debíamos De Proteger Nuestros Ancianos

July 7, 2011
Por toda mi vida mi mamá ha luchado con la vida: nosotros sus hijos, la muerte de mi papá y trabajos muy difíciles como inmigrante en los Estados Unidos. Era madre de casa con seis hijos – tres hombres y tres mujeres. Yo soy la quinta. Cuando murió mi papa hace 27 años atrás se quedó sin ahorros y...

Medicaid in Extremis

July 7, 2011
Three months ago the Republicans opened debate on the FY2012 budget when Rep. Paul Ryan released The Path to Prosperity: Restoring America’s Promise . In that plan, he proposed a remaking of Medicaid that would eviscerate the program’s core purpose: provide health care to the most vulnerable. Many...

Medicaid and my micro-preemie son

July 7, 2011
My youngest son, Isaac, was born at 28 weeks. That's 12 weeks early. He spent the first 8 weeks of his life in the neonatal intensive care unit. Very expensive. As a micro-preemie weighing only 2 pounds 5 ounces, Isaac was at risk for many, many life-threatening challenges. We were lucky, though,...
Kari Anne Roy's picture
