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Health Care

Capitulating on Health Reform Makes No Sense

January 26, 2010
One of the toughest things about being a mom is that you can’t always make things right in your kids’ lives, nor in the world. The first time I learned this lesson was when my water broke well before my twin boys were supposed to be born. We couldn’t stop them from coming, and they arrived six...

Paid leave is a human right

January 25, 2010
Paid parental leave is a human right, one guaranteed by virtually every country. But not the United States! When you gave birth or adopted your kids, did you take leave without pay? How did this affect breastfeeding, your health, your baby’s health, or your family’s finances? How did this affect...
Janet Walsh's picture

Could BPA and Breast Milk be the Mercury-Fish Catch22 for the Next Generation?

January 20, 2010
Last week the New York Times reported that the Food and Drug Administration is now willing to look into the health hazards of Bisphenol-A (BPA). Given that BPA is present in the lining of infant formula cans, the article tells us the FDA recommends that nursing mothers continue breastfeeding for...
Mary O's picture

One year later and still waiting for a solution...

January 15, 2010
This week is the one year anniversary of the PCA outbreak when Salmonella - contaminated peanut products caused a major, multi-state foodborne-illness outbreak -- an outbreak that occurred as a result of outdated and ineffective regulation and oversight by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)...

Next Step on the Road to Reform: Negotiating Differences Between the House & Senate Bills

January 14, 2010
by Lisa Codispoti , Senior Counsel, National Women's Law Center We are closer to adopting health reform than ever before in history. Now that the Senate passed their health reform legislation, the next step on the road to reform is for Senate and House leaders to work out differences between their...
Thao Nguyen's picture

UPDATED! These are our stories: Vigil for Healthcare reform

January 13, 2010
Healthcare reform is now REALLY almost at the finish line, with a vote expected this week. Hundreds of thousands of families are waiting to find out if reform will actually: - help out their family budgets, - ensure that their health coverage is both accessible and affordable, - offer strong...
Anita's picture

Don't Gamble With Children's Health

January 13, 2010
For the first time in American history, adults do not believe that our nation's children will have the opportunities they had to live a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. And over the past five years, the response from our nation's leaders has been to decrease the share of our national investment...
Bruce Lesley's picture

Because You Stood Up for Sophie

December 23, 2009
Thanks for standing up for Sophie and all the other children in need of healthcare reform. Over the weekend, a number of last minute improvements on children's health coverage were made to the Senate health bill because of the amazing efforts of MomsRising members and other great advocates for...
Donna's picture

Health Insurance Age Rating = Corporate Welfare

December 21, 2009
Age discrimination in the form of age rating, the practice of allowing private insurers to charge people higher premiums solely based on age, is wrong. And Congress is buying the false argument from the insurance companies that without age rating, insurance will be too expensive for younger people...

Sen. Murray Replies Via Video to MomsRising Members!

December 21, 2009
You asked, she answered! Last month, we collected your questions on health reform for Senator Patty Murray. Senator Murray responded personally to MomsRising members, creating her video response that you can see right here: We're grateful that Senator Murray took time out to speak directly with us...
Anita's picture
