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Health Care

Graphic with solidarity fist with text: "Being able to manage how many children we have & when we have them has been nothing short of revolutionary."

Quick Signature: Tell Congress to support the Women’s Health Protection Act!

June 25, 2019
Last Friday, Missouri came one step closer to becoming the first state in the nation without an abortion clinic when its health department rejected a license renewal for the St. Louis Planned Parenthood location. Across the country, women’s reproductive rights are under attack — now more than ever...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Your voice can make a difference in the fight to protect our right to reproductive health and freedom!

June 25, 2019
People with direct experiences with abortion are the most powerful voices we have to help cut through the political rhetoric and get down to why it's important to protect reproductive health and freedom. Have you or someone you love needed abortion services? Tell us your story! Share your...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Top #5Actions of the Week: June 21, 2019

June 21, 2019
We're back with this week's list of top #5Actions from the past week, featuring hot items around defending health care, gun safety, family separation, and more. We also still eager for your input on which issues are most important for you so we can create our "Mom Platform" as we head into the next...
Karen Showalter's picture

Votes And Laws Not Thoughts And Prayers

June 18, 2019
We have a brand new episode of our Breaking Through podcast this week and we are excited to discuss it with you! We'll cover how healthcare is under attack and the many ways in which you can fight back. We'll also discuss the fight for gun safety and Virginia. Along with our special guests we'll...
Amber Dorsey's picture

Disaggregate the Data to Approach Health Equity for AAPI Peoples

June 14, 2019
Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage month is an opportunity to focus on the many contributions these communities have made to build our nation over the generations, and their continued role in our future prosperity. With more than 22 million Asian American (AAs) Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) people living in the US, it is also an important time to improve our understanding of the incredible diversity that exists within this community.
Sinsi Hernández-Cancio's picture
A diverse group of people hold "Don't Take My Care" signs in front of the Supreme Court Building

Sign your name to support the Affordable Care Act!

June 10, 2019
Every parent knows that feeling… an ominous silence from the other room where you know the kids are playing—and you’re sure that they are up to no good. Well, there is an eerie lack of yammering in Congress about repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and that’s because the Trump Administration...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Send a thank you to Gov. Murphy for standing up for maternal health!

June 7, 2019
In the past few weeks, New Jersey took a MAJOR step forward in addressing our state’s maternal health crisis when Governor Phil Murphy signed five maternal health bills into law. The passing and signing of these bills is crucial because currently, our state ranks 45th out of 50 states in terms of...
Nadia's picture

Urban Institute: Due to Fear, 1 in 7 Adults in Immigrant Families Forgo Public Benefits

May 31, 2019
Earlier this month, in a post headlined, “For immigrants, fear, confusion, and a chilling effect,” we detailed how a Trump Administration rule not even implemented yet is harming immigrants and immigrant families. The piece was partly anecdotal; it reported, for instance, on a 9-year-old Latina...
David Elliot's picture

After decades of progress, children's health coverage is now in jeopardy

May 31, 2019
More evidence surfaced this week that children continue to be the latest casualties of the Trump Administration. A new report shows that about 828,000 fewer children nationwide were enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP at the end of 2018 than in 2017. That statistic is alarming because it could mean that...
David Elliot's picture

Abortion is More Complicated Than A Sound Bite

May 30, 2019
As Alabama was passing its total abortion ban, a friend posted a CNN clip that I didn’t watch in which a guest or the anchor seemed to imply that a fetus was akin to an organ in a woman’s body that she might choose do with as she pleases. My friend posed the following question with this post: “Will...
Mimi Chapman's picture
