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Military Families

Meeting My Hero

July 1, 2016
I will never forget the day I met the man who changed my life. It was a hot July day in Washington DC, and I had been advocating on Capitol Hill for military children with special needs. For days, for meeting after meeting, I shared stories of children who had been repeatedly denied healthcare...
Susan Reynolds's picture

#MilitaryMonday: A Mom’s Reflection After Orlando

June 20, 2016
In the aftermath of Orlando, I share my thoughts, concerns, and questions with you about gun violence in America.
Chris Rowzee's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Zoë's Story

June 6, 2016
My daughter Zoë is a 2-year-old toddler who is unfortunately fighting a battle against a unique brain tumor. Her fight started when she was just 15 months old and her doctors spoke one word... cancer! At the time our family lived in Honolulu, Hawaii where her father was stationed with the US Army...
Jessica Tyrney's picture

#Military Monday: Camp Corral

May 26, 2016
The lives of military families have changed dramatically since September 11, 2001. Unprecedented levels of deployment and an increased reliance on Reserve and Guard members mean that an estimated 2 million American children have had a parent who deployed in the last 15 years. This shift has also...
Mary Beth Hernandez's picture

#MilitaryMonday: The Carrying On Project

May 23, 2016
Learn how the Carrying On Project is helping military moms grow closer to their babies and still get stuff done!
Kit Jenkins's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Give Me a Break: The Case for Hourly Care

May 9, 2016
Military families need more child care flexibility than is often available within their military community. One mom builds the case for greater availability of hourly care.
National Military Family Association's picture

Chocolate is Nice. Equality is Better!

April 29, 2016
Mother’s Day was founded with a simple and beautiful wish – to honor the person who has done more for us than anyone in the world. At MomsRising, we do more than honor moms. We empower them – every day, all year long. We unite moms to win protections from gun violence, win access to lifesaving...
Kristin's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Embracing and Empowering Spouses of Our Fallen Heroes

April 25, 2016
What happens when your world turns upside down with one knock on the door? The Special Ops Survivors Network steps in to build resiliency and offer community.
Sara Wingerath-Schlanger's picture

#MilitaryMonday: Military Kids are the Force of the Future

April 25, 2016
No, not that “Force”... the “ Force of the Future” , a hot topic recently within military circles, as Secretary of Defense Ash Carter has advocated a host of changes he hopes will bring the military personnel system into the 21st century. Secretary Carter called upon the Pentagon “ to think outside...
Jeremy L Hilton's picture
