Susan Reynolds (@motheradvocate) is an AF spouse currently living in Fort Bragg, NC. She was the 2013 Pope Army Airfield Spouse of the Year and the 2014 Joan Orr Air Force Spouse of the Year, and the 2015 Fayetteville Power Ladies Shero. Susan loves to read, would never leave college because it’s fun, carries two copies of the US Constitution, and sings frequently (despite her horrid voice). Susan’s greatest passion is advocating for pediatric healthcare reform for military children and is a founding member of the TRICARE for Kids Coalition. Susanhas also been called a Master Hugger; since hugs are the best!
Blog Post List

October 24, 2016
My son's birth wasn't an easy one. Luckily, I had my husband by my side the entire time. We are thankful that the military continues to expand their maternity and paternity leave policies.

July 1, 2016
I will never forget the day I met the man who changed my life. It was a hot July day in Washington DC, and I had been advocating on Capitol Hill for military children with special needs. For days, for meeting after meeting, I shared stories of children who had been repeatedly denied healthcare coverage which is vital to their growth and development. I shared my son’s story. On my last day, before I headed home to North Carolina I was invited to a constituent coffee for Iowa. Though not a constituent the Children’s Hospital Association consultant believed I needed to attend this coffee. I was...
April 18, 2016
Every time I hear the statistics that 18 to 22 veterans commit suicide each day, I am heartbroken. I wonder what more could have been done to help. Perhaps nothing, but I don't really believe that. While I have never attempted suicide, I have experienced depression. My husband deployed last year. While it was not my first deployment, it was the first deployment that really had an effect on my son. After a tearful goodbye in the Fayetteville airport, I drove Ian and myself home. We napped, made dinner and started to live in our new normal. It would be a new normal with my husband being gone...

March 28, 2016
There are two million military children in the United States and overseas locations. Like all children, Uncle Sam's kids, have health issues that need medical attention, but not all their needs are being met through TRICARE. What can we do to change this?