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Parents demand child care solutions in Florida

January 22, 2024
For the last year I’ve been talking to parents and caregivers of young kids in every corner of our state and you know what everyone had in common? That the VPK (Voluntary Preschool Program) and child care system in our state doesn’t work for families. That’s the bad news. The good news is the new bill in the Florida legislature that could help change that.
Nina Perez's picture
A child reading a book sitting under a larger book that is covering them like a tent.

Let's Let Our Legislators Know: Ban book bans!

January 19, 2024
Across the country there have been efforts to ban books in schools. This is happening here in Washington State, too. We have the chance to ban book bans in public schools by passing SB 6208 and HB 2331. Sign on now to ban book bans in Washington State! These bills would prohibit the banning of...
Mandy Kwan's picture

A look back at MomsRising Florida in 2023

January 17, 2024
Jananury isn't barely over and we already have hit the ground running based on your feedback from last year! It’s 2024 and the New Year has me feeling hopeful about what we can accomplish in Florida this year. Not because fresh start affirmations and flying across the internet, but because...
Nina Perez's picture

Washington State, let's modernize our paid sick leave laws this legislative session!

January 12, 2024
Now, with the start of the 2024 legislative session, we have the chance to make paid leave more accessible to families. This is our chance to let our lawmakers know that HB 1991 / SB 5793 is necessary to modernize our paid leave laws. What are we asking for? We are asking our lawmakers to update...
Mandy Kwan's picture

MomsRising and Consumer Protection in Washington State

January 8, 2024
Did you know that there’s a loophole in Washington state law that allows big corporations, like Starbucks, to claim unspent customer dollars left on gift cards as revenue? It added up to $255 million in the last year alone that they can use to pad their profits, which can inflate executive bonuses...
Mandy Kwan's picture

Our Stories are Our Power: Let lawmakers know what we want!

December 19, 2023
School has been back in session for a few months and the end of the year is near. What are the things you’ve noticed as a caregiver that our lawmakers could address in Washington State’s upcoming legislative session? Let’s let our lawmakers know what matters to us! WHAT'S HAPPENING IN OLYMPIA? The...
Mandy Kwan's picture

Will we see you on Dec. 9 at our annual Washington State town hall? RSVP Now!

November 27, 2023
Can we count on you to join us for a FREE, fun, and powerful town hall on Saturday, December 9th from 11am to 12:30pm? It’s time to come together for the upcoming Washington State legislative session and that means making sure our stories are heard! We'll hear from MomsRising leaders as we launch...
Mandy Kwan's picture

JOIN MomsRising to learn how to BUST book bans!

September 7, 2023
Book bans and attempted book bans are happening in schools and libraries across America right now. It’s shocking AND we can stop it - but first we need to know how. And that’s why MomsRising is bringing in the experts! → Next week on Wednesday, September 13th at 8:30pm EST / 5:30pm PST, the Florida...
Nina Perez's picture

Meet our new Washington MomsForce Fellows!

July 7, 2023
Introducing our new cohort of powerful and dynamic Washington State MomsForce fellows!
Sara Alcid's picture
Child care teacher and children learning and playing together.

NC: What does quality child care mean to you? We need to hear your feedback on NC's QRIS/ Star rated license system this summer!

June 8, 2023
Choosing a child care option that works for your family can be HARD! People say that when you have a child it’s like your heart is walking around outside your chest. Rarely does that feel more true than when trying to figure out child care. When your child is going to be away from you for part of...
BethM's picture
