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MomsRising Near You

ICYMI: MomsRising at the First 2020 Democratic Primary Debate!

July 29, 2019
Moms were in the room where it happened last month during the first 2020 Democratic Debate. This is crucial because as moms, we know what’s happening in our families, our lives, and our communities. We know we’re not alone. We know the truth about dealing with our healthcare system, about the cost...
Kristin's picture

National Call-in Day: On July 22nd Call Congress to push for a fair budget

July 19, 2019
Once again, the Trump Administration and Congress are headed towards the brink. In September, services we need may come to a screeching halt unless new funding levels and the federal government’s authority to borrow are renewed. Since Congress will be leaving for August recess in a few weeks, these...
Abbie Gately's picture
Families belong together!

Stand with NC immigrant communities! Urge Gov. Cooper to veto HB 370

June 21, 2019
Family separation isn’t something that’s just happening at the national-level. Right here in North Carolina anti-immigrant lawmakers are stepping up their attacks on North Carolina’s immigrant communities and the democratically elected sheriffs who have pledged to protect them. HB 370, an anti-...
BethM's picture
Strengthen NC's early childhood workforce!

Vote pending for NC early childhood workforce

May 1, 2019
It's time to take action for early educators! H882, a historic, bipartisan bill to strengthen the early education workforce, will be heard by the House Health Committee Thursday, May 2nd, at 8 AM. This is the best chance we have ever had to strengthen early childhood educators through increased...
BethM's picture
Standing for NC students, schools, and communities!

May 1: Resources for families as we stand for NC students, schools, and communities!

April 28, 2019
On May 1st, thousands of NC teachers, parents, students, and public school supporters will be headed to Raleigh for to stand up for our state’s children, public schools, and teachers. As lawmakers finalize the state budget, they need to hear that it’s time step up and fund the schools NC students...
BethM's picture
Let NC workers be there when their families need them.

Support NC kin care and safe days, allowing workers to use their sick days when they need them

April 28, 2019
Exciting news! On the afternoon of Monday, April 29th, a bill is being heard in a committee of the NC General Assembly that would guarantee employees the right to use their sick days (whether paid or job-protected, unpaid) to care for a sick loved one, seek preventative care, or deal with the...
BethM's picture

Power of Parent Voices

April 25, 2019
Have you noticed that everywhere you look, people are talking about childcare? This is HUGE! Many families across the country know that the childcare struggle is very, very real. It is crucuial that moms, dads, caregivers, advocates, and elected officals are talking about this issue that impacts so...
Abbie Gately's picture
It's go time in Olympia

We are down to the wire in Olympia!

April 24, 2019
This is important so I'm going to be quick: We are down to the wire in the legislative session, fighting for the Working Families Tax Credit and investments in early learning -- but we need a capital gains tax to help fund both! There are just days left in the legislative session! Click here to...
Maggie Humphreys's picture
NC Families First Act bill introduction press conference

It's happening! NC paid leave bill filed

April 24, 2019
It’s finally happening! This month North Carolina saw our first comprehensive, stand-alone bill filed that would provide paid family and medical leave for our state’s families. The NC Families First Act, sponsored by Representatives Meyer, Batch, Clark, and Majeed, would establish a paid family and...
BethM's picture
Nearly 30,000 NC children are on the waiting list for child care subsidies.

NC Legislators Need to Support Child Care Subsidy Assistance for Working Families

April 24, 2019
Few families can afford the high cost of child care. And that’s no surprise. In North Carolina, the average cost of infant care is $9,225 annually per child – greater than the cost of in-state college tuition! A working parent who can’t access child care subsidy assistance will spend more than 1/3...
BethM's picture
