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Are you sure? Really sure?

September 25, 2012
I'm a person who likes to double check – everything. Since becoming a mom, I’m now more of a triple checker. I double and triple check car seat buckles and diaper supplies. I double and triple check schedules with my husband, and I double and triple check if my daughter needs to go to the bathroom...
Ruth Martin's picture

Member Voices: The Dryer Buzz Heard 'Round the World

September 18, 2012
So, speaking (as I did in my previous post for MomsRising) of meaningless lip service politicians pay to how amazing women, mothers, and wives are, did you hear about the latest foot-in-the-mouth moment on the presidential campaign trail? (At least the particular foot in question was probably...
Kelly Singleton's picture

Member Voices: They love us, but do they listen to us?

September 14, 2012
I was inspired to write this, my first blog post for MomsRising, after witnessing much of the last couple weeks of American Democracy in Action on TV: the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. It actually was rather entertaining—the total lack of objectivity from any pundits, regardless...
Kelly Singleton's picture

Supreme Court Decision – Marylanders Win

June 28, 2012
The United States Supreme Court today announced its ruling to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) . The Maryland Women’s Coalition for Health Care Reform applauds the decision to uphold the law so that the progress we have already made in realizing a healthier, stronger...
Leni Preston's picture

Wellness Wednesday: Health Reform and Domestic Violence

April 26, 2012
Did you know that domestic violence can be considered a pre-existing condition by health insurance companies? If you have a history of abuse, your insurance company can legally deny you coverage or increase your premiums. Horrifying, right? Since the Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, there are...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Maryland has said – now is the time for health equity!

April 23, 2012
It's National Minority Health Month and the Maryland Women’s Coalition for Health Care Reform (Coalition) is working from the principle: Reform. It’s Good for Your Health to advance the mission of health equity in Maryland. Through the successful implementation of the Patient Protection and...
Leni Preston's picture

HERvotes Blog Carnival: What Health Care Reform Means to Women

March 23, 2012
For the tenth #HERvotes blog carnival, we’re celebrating the second anniversary of the new health-reform law, the Affordable Care Act, or ACA. Photo of Barack Obama signing the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010, from Wikimedia Commons. Why are women so excited about the ACA? Well, for a start,...

Celebrate Health Care Reform: Tweet chats, carnivals, stories, and more!

March 21, 2012
Happy second birthday, health care reform! This week is the two year anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Over the past two years, millions of families have been helped by health care reform, and when new provisions kick in 2014, millions more will have access to crucial health...
Claire Moshenberg's picture

Women, The Economy, and Unemployment Insurance

December 8, 2011
I am eight months pregnant. I am currently in a battle with unemployment insurance and my previous employer, WMATA (Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority) over whether or not I should be allowed unemployment benefits. Since October 24 (almost six weeks ago) I have been wrongfully let go...
Angel Savoy's picture

Navigating unemployment

December 8, 2011
I had been unable to find a job in my field since April of 2011. My family is staying afloat and we are one of the lucky ones. Wondering what my field is? I am a SOCIAL WORKER with a masters degree! I thought the world needed social workers?! I'm sure it still does, but with such extreme budget...
