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Your Genes, Your Rights

August 25, 2011
By Sandra Park, Staff Attorney, ACLU Women’s Rights Project When you hear about patents on human genes, women’s rights might not immediately come to mind. Yet, a woman’s right to access medical care, make informed medical decisions, and benefit from scientific research is at the core of this issue...
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The Education Front of The War on Women

August 25, 2011
What constitutes a “War on Women?” Is it the daily headlines about attacks on reproductive rights? Or is it more than that? Working at a women’s rights organization, especially one that works on many issues, I can tell you right now that the “War on Women” has many fronts. Some are in the headlines...

HERvotes - Coming Together to Counter Extremist Attacks on Women's Health and Economic Security

August 24, 2011
We, the more than one million members of MomsRising from every state in the nation, love our families and our country. We know that the current extremist attacks on women's health and family economic security are only serving to weaken the United States, not strengthen it. That's why, on the...
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