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Paid Family Leave

Crea Conciencia Sobre el Día de Pago Justo En Tu Cafetería Local

March 26, 2019
El Día de Pago Justo es el 2 de abril y marca cuántos días en el 2019 se tiene que trabajar para ganar lo que se le pagó a un hombre anglosajón en el 2018 haciendo el mismo trabajo. Las latinas solo hacemos 53 centavos por cada dólar y es hora de cambiar estas cifras. >>> Para crear...
Sara Alcid's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]

#Good News This Week: NC Kids & Lead; Equal Pay; and more!

March 22, 2019
GOOD NEWS! Here’s a welcome good news story about kids’ health and the environment: In North Carolina, public health officials have been working for more than 30 years to eliminate childhood lead poisoning – and have come very close to doing so. Read more here! MOMSRISING RADIO: Have you checked...
Anita's picture
Trump Budget Update!

SIGNATURE NEEDED: Trump’s budget hurts moms & families!

March 21, 2019
President Trump released his FY2020 budget last week and no surprises here— he slashed funding for programs that boost our families and kids in order to pay for his wasteful wall and tax cuts to the 1% and Wall Street. I’ll be blunt: President Trump seems to have forgotten that people like you and...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Equal Pay Day at Your Local Coffee Shop!

March 19, 2019
To mark Equal Pay Day and spread awareness about the punitive gender wage gap and possible solutions, like paid family and medical leave, MomsRising and Main Street Alliance created custom coffee sleeves and napkins for coffee shops across the nation to use on April 2nd.
Sara Alcid's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]

#GoodNews This Week: Child Nutrition and More!

March 15, 2019
VICTORY! EVEN MORE good news in the work to stop private prison financing! Thanks to your work, signing and delivering petitions, showing up at your local Wells Fargo (and Chase) bank branches to ask about their decision to finance private prisons that detain immigrant families, we have made...
Anita's picture
Take action!

Paid family leave JUST introduced in Colorado!

March 11, 2019
I can barely contain my excitement! Last Thursday, the CO FAMLI Act (Family and Medical Leave Insurance Act) was introduced in the Colorado State Senate as SB19-188. After 5 years of this bill being introduced and discussed, this could FINALLY be the year it passes! But we can’t take anything for...
Erin Bennett Leighton's picture
Elizabethe Schroeder

A Plea for Paid Family Leave

March 8, 2019
A few weeks ago, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of my two-year-old wailing. She was afraid and uncomfortable, having vomited in her bed and woken herself up. She reached for me, her sweet face looking pitiful and streaked with tears. As soon as she was bathed and comforted and...
Alexa Bigwarfe's picture
Equal Pay Now!

Stand up for #AAPIEqualPay

March 4, 2019
As the former Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum , current board member of MomsRising, and most importantly, being a mom to two incredible daughters myself, fighting for equitable treatment of Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) women and girls is my lifelong...
Miriam Yeung's picture

Your February MOMentum: Big win for paid family leave!

March 1, 2019
From attending the State of the Union address to speaking at the re-introduction of the FAMILY Act to testifying before Congress on the Paycheck Fairness Act, February has been full of MomsRising power! And not only at the federal level — moms are making the difference for economic justice...
Anita's picture
Good news!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A colorful graphic that says "Weekly Blog Round Up" on a pink background]

#GoodNews This Week: Paid Leave, Gun Safety, KidsRising!

March 1, 2019
Ever feel overwhelmed by your inbox, news feeds, podcast subscriptions? We're here to help! Swing by the MomsRising blog for this weekly round-up post to highlight the good news and current actions you may want to know about but might have missed. You don't have to be a policy expert or glued to...
Anita's picture
