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Paid Family Leave

Leaning Together: A MomsRising Blog Carnival

March 13, 2013
This week, traditional and new media outlets are abuzz with news about Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s book, Lean In. For once, the focus of the media is on workplace policies and practices that directly impact women and families. So we're taking the tiger by the tail! In celebration of all women,...
Kristin's picture

Think this Doesn't Matter to You? Think Again.

March 13, 2013
Childcare costs more than college . Mothers with equal resumes are hired 80 percent less of the time than non-mothers and are offered lower starting salaries. It costs over $200,000 to raise one child from birth to age 18 (not including college). All of this is happening every day in the backdrop...
Kristin's picture

Lean In, Chin Up and Tune Out

March 12, 2013
I’ve been thinking a lot about women and our place in society the last couple of weeks. This is appropriate, as it is Women’s History Month and was kicked off at PBS with “ Makers ,” a three-hour documentary on the “second-wave” women’s movement.I sat down to watch it last weekend and was...
Donna Schwartz Mills's picture

Sheryl Sandberg's Most Important Words

March 12, 2013
This story originally appeared in the Woman in Washington blog. "Success for me is that if my son chooses to be a stay-at-home parent, he is cheered on for that decision. And if my daughter chooses to work outside the home and is successful, she is cheered on and supported." --Sheryl Sandberg, NPR'...
Valerie Young's picture

“Leaning in?” Women in low-wage jobs do it every day.

February 28, 2013
Sheryl Sandberg is telling women to “lean in.” She's encouraging us to strive for bigger and better jobs. She's telling us to resist “leaving before we leave” in anticipation of having families. Through her “lean in circles,” women will have opportunities to share success stories about how leaning...
Liz Watson's picture

Working Women Blues

February 27, 2013
This story originally appeared in the Carolyn Edgar blog . There’s been a lot of talk in the media lately about women in the workplace. From Anne-Marie Slaughter’s complaining about not “having it all,” to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg exhorting women to “lean in” to their careers (translation: suck...
Carolyn Edgar's picture

Guest Post: A Call for Reform – FMLA Didn’t Work For Me

February 17, 2013
As the 20th anniversary of the Family Medical Leave Act focuses attention on how unnecessarily hard it is to be both a worker and a mother or other family caregiver, Danelle Buchman writes of her own experience. She was a part-time employee at a organization too small to be covered by FMLA when she...
Valerie Young's picture

My Valentine Invitation

February 15, 2013
This February contains a plethora of important events - almost too many to name. There’s Valentine’s Day, the start of the new Congress, the State of the Union Address and several significant opportunities to look back and honor those who have come before us, including celebrations for American...
Christy Turlington's picture

Know Your Rights: The Family and Medical Leave Act

February 12, 2013
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) – the nation’s first and only federal law that helps women and men meet their responsibilities at home and on the job. And even though the law has been a huge success, new data from the Department of Labor reveal that...
Debra Ness's picture

Happy Birthday to the Family Medical Leave Act!

February 11, 2013
Wonky Washington is making merry about the 20th anniversary of President Clinton’s signing of the Family Medical Leave. This was the federal law that required some employers to allow some employees to take up to 12 weeks away from work, without pay , to deal with the birth or adoption of a child, a...
Valerie Young's picture
