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Paid Sick Days

What Ellen Pao Overlooked...and Gawker Writers Get Right

April 30, 2015
Earlier this month, the CEO of Reddit, Ellen Pao, announced the company would no longer allow employees to negotiate their salaries. Pao explained the move was an attempt to close the pay gap between women and men since, based on her experience, women are worse negotiators than men and as she put...
Liz Shuler's picture

Invest in Women to Reduce Poverty

March 31, 2015
This post, authored by Jennifer Lockwood-Shabat , originally appeared on . Jennifer Lockwood-Shabat discusses the results of a study published by the Women's Foundation and the policy solutions that can lift all women out of poverty. She urges lawmakers to expand their investment in...
Alyssa Peterson's picture

Another International Women's Day - It's Time

March 8, 2015
Another year, another International Women's Day. But this year feels different. Suddenly gender equality in the United States is a front burner issue. In fact, women's economic empowerment is recognized as central to how we address both income inequality and economic sustainability. Gender issues...
Megan Beyer's picture

BLAST OFF for #PaidSickDays!

March 3, 2015
MOMentum for paid sick days is rocketing forward! Now 17 cities and 3 states across the United States have paid sick days laws on the books. And…drum roll please…on February 12th, U.S. Senator Patty Murray and U.S. Representative Rosa DeLauro introduced the Healthy Families Act, a nationwide paid sick days bill. But this isn’t a done deal yet. We need your help.
Sara Alcid's picture

Celebrate Women's History Month: Take care of yourself

March 3, 2015
A smile spread across Amy’s face as she strolled out of her doctor‘s office with a clean bill of health yesterday. The sun was shining, and tulips were blooming, as her thoughts turned to planting her first crops of the season. “I love growing wholesome berries and vegetables, “ Amy beams. She and...
Roberta Riley's picture

The Healthy Families Act: Paid Leave Americans Need and Deserve

February 20, 2015
Before getting into teaching, Shalonda Ravenell never considered the issue of paid time off or maternity leave. “As a teacher, the job that you do, you don’t get paid what you’re worth, so you would think that there’s sick leave somewhere for you when you have babies,” said Shalonda, a married...
Tamika Middleton's picture

My Home As Workplace: Taking the Fair Care Pledge

February 10, 2015
Today, I had one of those mornings. Stubborn kids, messy kitchen; the entire morning routine was running further behind schedule and my blood pressure was on the rise. Sound familiar?
Lindsay Imai's picture

Happy Anniversary, FMLA!

February 5, 2015
Join us in wishing the Family and Medical Leave Act a happy 22nd anniversary! In this brief video , Carmen Berkley, director of the AFL-CIO Office of Civil, Human and Women's Rights, tells us why the FMLA is important and stresses the need for an additional paid sick leave law. Next week, the...
Liz Shuler's picture

Who Makes Our Food?

January 27, 2015
More than 100 years ago, after Upton Sinclair worked undercover in Chicago meatpacking plants, he revealed the abuse and exploitation of immigrant workers in the industry—including the tragic story of a worker who fell into a rendering tank. Public reaction to his great book, “ The Jungle ,” forced...
Liz Shuler's picture

Stop the Epidemic Flu Outbreak with Paid Sick Days!

January 9, 2015
We're facing a flu outbreak epidemic, but 44 million people in the United States are missing one of our most important tools to fight the flu: paid sick days!
Sara Alcid's picture
