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Politics & Policy

What’s the best way to stop a tantrum? Call in the MOMS!

February 28, 2019
Progress! This week, the U.S. House did what was right by rejecting President Trump’s unconstitutional misuse of national emergency powers to secure funding for his harmful wall. This unconstitutional power grab is a step toward unchecked authoritarianism and we need EVERYONE to speak out! **Quick...
Felicia Burnett's picture

We need Child Care for All Families Now!

February 27, 2019
I’m newly back in the office after having my baby and I have one thing on my mind—we HAVE TO solve the childcare crisis in this country. At my neighborhood meetup for new parents not a week goes by that childcare doesn’t come up as a major issue for families. Moms with no choice but to quit jobs...
Nina Perez's picture

The real truth about Trump's child care record

February 25, 2019
Today, the White House Council of Economic Advisors released a paper on work and the cost of child care. This is yet another example of the Trump Administration white-washing its record on supporting families’ access to affordable child care. During the 2016 presidential election, then candidate...
Katie Hamm's picture
Speak out for SNAP!

QUICK SIGNATURE needed to protect SNAP for struggling workers!

February 22, 2019
The Trump Administration is at it again, trying to take away SNAP (food stamps) from workers and families that are already struggling! Yes, you read that right. Ugh. You’re probably thinking, “Wait, didn’t Congress just pass the Farm Bill a few months ago that was very clear about protecting SNAP...
Abbie Gately's picture

Join our February #KeepMarching Virtual Meeting: Saving Democracy

February 21, 2019
Democracy is at stake! No time to lose! We are less than two months into 2019, and already so much has happened (can you say “fake national emergency”?) - we need to talk about it! We appreciate your support and hard work so much, and we need to support you, too, by working with you closely and...
Gloria Pan's picture

SIGN OUR LETTER: Repeal the tax cuts for the 1% and Wall Street

February 21, 2019
Tax season is upon us! If you’re anything like me you’re scrambling to get your tax return paperwork together and have high hopes to submit everything well before the April 15th deadline (but more likely than not will end up at the post office the day before mailing everything in this year again)...
Elyssa Schmier's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A person with shoulder length blond hair and a blue jacket sits before a House committee, providing witness testimony on the need for equal pay for equal work.]

#RisersRadio: The Power of YOU

February 19, 2019
We have a brand new radio show this week in which we cover how to help stop the fake national emergency; why (and how) we need to address the childcare and Pre-K crisis in our nation; how you can help one fair wage move forward so tipped workers aren’t stuck earning only $2.13 per hour; and we'll...
MomsRising's picture
Take Action!
US Capitol Building

Quick actions against Trump’s manufactured “emergency”

February 19, 2019
Ugh. President Trump has manufactured a crisis and is now moving forward with an undemocratic power grab because Congress and the American public refuse to indulge his tantrums. To this we say: No way. And we need your help in 3 fast ways below to stop this (It’ll only take you a minute to make a...
Felicia Burnett's picture

“I Will Never Forget That Day”

February 15, 2019
“I was in my 4th period Holocaust history class. We were presenting our projects on hate groups found on college campuses…As we sat at our desks working on our computers after presenting our projects, we began to hear loud pops…I thought I was going to die. As I laid there, I begged God to please...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

The Human Needs Report: FY19 Spending Deal, Missing Aid for Puerto Rico, Bills to Help Workers, and More

February 14, 2019
The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for the latest on the deal to fund the government and avert another shutdown, a lack of nutrition assistance for Puerto Rico, the President’s FY20 budget, bills to help workers and working families, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
