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Politics & Policy

#PowerUp With Risers Radio

December 3, 2018
On the radio show this week, we hear about power of YOUR word and YOUR story; how to stop voter suppression and voter intimidation, the fight to end gun violence, and what you can do to stop human rights abuses on our southern border. *Special guests include: Jamia Wilson, award-winning writer and...
Amber Dorsey's picture

A New Moral and Human Low

November 30, 2018
It has come to this: tear-gassing toddlers. Heartbreaking images of the American government’s attacks on asylum-seekers at the border have emerged over the past several days. In one photo a barefoot child in a diaper sobs, clutching her mother with one hand and a plastic ball—a lone prized...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
GM Factory Closure

GM Layoffs Prove Tax Cuts Hurt, Don’t Help, Workers

November 28, 2018
General Motors’ announcement yesterday that it was idling five North American assembly plants and laying off nearly 15,000 workers proves once again that the only guaranteed winners from corporate tax cuts are corporations and their wealthy shareholders—not local communities and working families...
Frank Clemente's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Person with long dark curly hair stands at a voting booth.]

Risers Radio: Election Recap!

November 10, 2018
On the radio show this week we cover what’s happening in the race for Governor of Georgia and how you can help address voter suppression; the record breaking numbers of women winning seats in Congress; how moms made wins happen; and how you can protect your ability to vote in the future. Special...
Amber Dorsey's picture

Where Kids Find Hate Online -- and Tips for How to Handle It

November 9, 2018
Hate speech is all over the internet. Fueled by trolls , extremists, false information , and a group mentality, this kind of cruelty against a religion, ethnicity, sexual identity, gender, race -- or anything, really -- has reached a fever pitch. And while some kids will be attacked, and some may...
Caroline Knorr's picture

Don’t Agonize, Phone-bankanize!

November 5, 2018
This is it. It’s Election Eve. We have less than 24 hours until the election -- and we urgently need your help reminding infrequent voters to #VOTE on Election Day, which is tomorrow, November 6, by making some quick reminders to vote. It’s going to take all of us to make voter turnout this year...
Kristin's picture
woman with both thumbs down

Say you’ll vote AGAINST all six amendments to NC’s constitution!

November 1, 2018
It’s GO TIME in North Carolina for voting and we have gotten a lot of questions from our members about the proposed amendments on the ballot. MomsRising urges you to oppose all six and we’ll explain why below. Take action now: Sign on to say you’ll vote AGAINST all six constitutional amendments on...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Tips for Talking to Kids About Negative Political Ads

October 31, 2018
The closer we get to a major election, the more likely it is that political ads will hit below the belt. Negative political ads expose kids to highly partisan, sometimes inflammatory, and even frightening images. But because they're so extreme, it makes them ideal for analyzing the devices they use...
Caroline Knorr's picture
toddler boy sitting on a bench reading a newspaper

Your voice needed! Say you’re a #HealthCareVoter

October 25, 2018
It’s no surprise that in poll after poll this election season, health care is consistently at the top of the list of voters’ concerns. We all watched last year as the Republican-led Congress took one whack at health care after another, trying (and failing) to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA)...
Felicia Burnett's picture

The spin begins: basic needs programs are blamed for increasing the deficit, when tax cuts are really at fault

October 19, 2018
When the 2017 $1.9 trillion in tax cuts were enacted, many of us predicted that the hole in the budget caused by the lost revenue would be used by the Trump Administration and some in Congress to justify cuts in basic needs programs like Medicaid, Medicare, housing, and SNAP. And we were right.
Debbie Weinstein's picture
