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Politics & Policy

Fact of the Week: Nearly 8,500 Arkansans have been kicked off Medicaid since Sept. 1 due to harsh time limits

October 19, 2018
More than 4,100 Arkansans lost Medicaid coverage on Oct. 1, adding to the more than 4,350 adults in the state who were kicked off the Medicaid roles on Sept. 1. These nearly 8,500 adults lost their coverage due to the state’s harsh new work reporting requirements, which require beneficiaries to report at least 80 hours of work or work-related activities every month.
Lecia Imbery's picture

The spin begins: basic needs programs are blamed for increasing the deficit, when tax cuts are really at fault

October 19, 2018
When the 2017 $1.9 trillion in tax cuts were enacted, many of us predicted that the hole in the budget caused by the lost revenue would be used by the Trump Administration and some in Congress to justify cuts in basic needs programs like Medicaid, Medicare, housing, and SNAP. And we were right.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

The Land of the Free

October 19, 2018
This week marked the fiftieth anniversary of the Black Power salute given by Olympic medalists Tommie Smith and John Carlos as the American anthem played during their medal ceremony at the 1968 Olympic Games. Their quiet nonviolent protest earned them loud and widespread criticism, death threats...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

The Human Needs Report: FY19 begins, anti-immigrant rule proposed, reactions to a SCOTUS confirmation, and more

October 8, 2018
The Coalition on Human Needs just released another edition of the Human Needs Report. Read on for the latest on the FY19 Labor-H bill and other FY19 spending, a proposed anti-immigrant rule, a bill to fight the opioid crisis, tax cuts 2.0, reactions to the Supreme Court confirmation, and more.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Quick Signature!

Don’t GUT Michigan’s new paid sick time law!

October 3, 2018
Did you hear the news?! Michigan lawmakers passed a paid sick time law! That may seem like good news at first, but the truth is that it’s not that simple and we can’t totally celebrate...yet. Here’s the scoop: The MI Time to Care coalition collected nearly 400,000 signatures for a strong paid sick...
Sara Alcid's picture
Take Action
I believe survivors.

TAKE ACTION: Last chance to speak out against Kavanaugh!

October 2, 2018
It’s our last chance to be heard. Republicans in the U.S. Senate have pledged to move forward with a vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court by week’s end, whether or not the FBI has had a chance to fully investigate THREE sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh. We can...
Felicia Burnett's picture
I believe survivors. #StopKavanaugh

Your #StopKavanaugh Toolkit

October 2, 2018
Attend a Vigil Near You This Wednesday evening,October 3, all across the country at around 6pm, people will come together in their local communities for peaceful vigils to demand that the U.S. Senate stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court. *Find a...
Felicia Burnett's picture

Today! Protests Happening Across the US!

September 28, 2018
Yesterday was heart-wrenching, nauseating, and sad; and it was devastating for many sexual assault survivors across the country. A GOP-appointed prosecutor tried—and failed—to discredit the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. This courageous...
Felicia Burnett's picture
Senator Klobuchar (left) and Sarah Smarsh (right) at the Rural Summit

How to help rural America: Senate Democrats hold a Rural Summit

September 28, 2018
Ms. Smarsh was describing the isolation she felt growing up poor in rural Kansas. Her mother was 17 when Sarah was born. There was no Family and Medical Leave Act, no help from the Violence Against Women Act, and long miles to travel to get to medical care.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Testimony for The Preventing Maternal Deaths Act House Subcommittee on Health 9.27.18

September 27, 2018
Below is testimony submitted by MomsRising to the hearing of the Subcommittee on Health as part of the House Energy and Commerce Committee held on September 27, 2018. Click here to take action and encourage your member of Congress to support this bill. Hello, my name is Smita Nadia Hussain. I am...
Nadia's picture
