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Politics & Policy

Babies on the Senate Floor: "A Victory For All Working Parents"

April 19, 2018
U.S. Senator Duckworth already made history once this month by becoming the first sitting U.S. Senator to give birth; and she has now done it again by successfully pushing for a change in the U.S. Senate rules that will allow children under the age of one to be brought onto the floor during votes...
MomsRising's picture

Any senator offended by Muslim-bashing will vote down Pompeo for secretary of state

April 17, 2018
As I carefully pulled into the parking lot of my local grocery store in broad daylight, somebody began to honk their car horn at me repeatedly. I caught a glimpse of an elderly white man in a dusty red Chevrolet pickup, looking disgusted, in my rearview mirror. I ignored it. But as I walked into...
Tasmiha Khan's picture
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#RisersRadio this Week: #EqualityNow!

April 16, 2018
On the #RADIO show this week, we cover Black Maternal Health Awareness Week; Equal Pay Day; Trump’s #TaxScam and how corporations are benefiting from the Trump tax plan; and the impact of social media, including Facebook, on democracy. *Special guests include: Elizabeth Dawes, Black Mamas Matter...
Kristin's picture

Why a balanced budget would be disastrous

April 5, 2018
Some Representatives are pushing for a vote in the House next week on a balanced budget amendment, which would amend the Constitution of the United States to require Congress to balance the federal budget every year. While this might not sound like such a bad idea in theory, it would be disastrous in reality.
Lecia Imbery's picture

Remembering Dr. King

April 4, 2018
I first heard Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speak in person on April 19, 1960 at Spelman College’s Sisters Chapel during my senior year in college. Dr. King was just 31 but he had already gained a national reputation during the successful Montgomery Bus Boycott five years earlier. The profound impact...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

Continuing Dr. King's fight

April 4, 2018
We have to be the agents of the kind of change that strengthens our nation by including all our people in the opportunities for progress. Dr. King knew that, striving to bring together sanitation workers, laborers, farm workers, the labor movement, young people, and people of faith and conscience to call upon government to tear down the legal and economic barriers to full participation.
Debbie Weinstein's picture

Let’s Move Forward Together

March 30, 2018
In the spring of 1960, I was a senior at Spelman College in Atlanta and decided to help organize the civil rights student sit-in movement to desegregate lunch counters. I went to Atlanta’s City Hall to engage in our cause to end racial apartheid. I felt overwhelming gratitude for the chance to be...
Marian Wright Edelman's picture

The Human Needs Report: The Highs and Lows of the FY18 Spending Package and more

March 29, 2018
Read on for the highs and lows in the FY18 omnibus spending package, the future of the Farm Bill, and a citizenship question on the 2020 Census.
Lecia Imbery's picture

How to Fill the Rest of 2018

March 29, 2018
Congressional leaders are mulling what to do for the rest of the year. We have a list of ideas for them, but we want to hear from you.
Lecia Imbery's picture

This Is the Bare Minimum You Should Do to Protect Your Family's Data

March 29, 2018
For a lot of families, technology is maybe not a way of life but the glue that holds everything together. There's your kid's Instagram feed you follow to see what they're up to. There's your school's online network you check for homework and grades. There's the mapping app that gets you to your...
Caroline Knorr's picture
