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Politics & Policy

Dialogue Across Differences: An Evening with Living Room Conversations

November 8, 2017
Today more than ever, political divisions are straining cherished relationships between family and friends. As you prepare to gather with family and friends in November and December, there is no better time to learn how to navigate challenging conversations with respect and curiosity. Come join the...
joan's picture

5 Reasons to Vote for the Women You’ve Never Heard Of

November 7, 2017
Originally published on Medium, Monday, November 5 / Election Day 2017 is today, Tuesday, November 6 Tomorrow, voters in small towns across America, in 59 of the 100 largest cities, and in thirty-three states will head to the polls and elect new leaders who will make choices that affect our...
Erin Vilardi's picture

Send a Letter to Your Local Paper Speaking Out Against the Tax Bill

November 6, 2017
Something really scary happened recently! Scarier than those ghosts, witches, and ghouls that showed up trick-or-treating at your door the other night. Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced a bill today that would give $1.5 trillion (TRILLION!!) in tax cuts to the top 1...
Elyssa Schmier's picture

Why I'm Grateful for SNAP and WIC

November 2, 2017
The U.S. Congress just unveiled a tax bill that would give 80% of tax cuts to the top 1%. Meanwhile, low and middle-income families across the country will be left footing the bill through higher taxes and cuts to vital health care, nutrition, and education programs. Concerned parents, grandparents...
Abbie Gately's picture

TAKE ACTION: Close the Latina Wage GAP

November 2, 2017
I’m going to tell you something that’s going to make you mad. And then I’m going to tell you something we can do about it. Here we go: Right now in the United States, Latinas earn just 54 cents for every dollar paid to a white man and Latina mothers earn just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white fathers. [1,2] This horrifying wage gap is why we are raising our voices today to mark Latina Equal Pay Day, the day signifying that Latinas in the United States have to work ALL of 2016 and until November 2nd of 2017 to finally earn as much as white men earned in 2016 alone. → We can’t end pay discrimination and close wage gaps if employers can hide the fact they are paying women and people of color less than white men.
Sara Alcid's picture

MomsRising Demands the Immediate Release of Rosa Maria Hernandez

October 30, 2017
Yesterday, US Customs and Border Protection detained an undocumented 10-year-old girl, Rosa Maria Hernandez, who has cerebral palsy immediately after she was discharged from a Texas hospital after undergoing emergency gallbladder surgery. MomsRising, a national organization of more than one million...
MomsRising's picture

Poverty and Progress: Poverty is down in the US, but new threats are on the horizon

October 27, 2017
Sustained economic gains and strong federal programs have led to welcome progress in the fight against poverty over the last several years. This is good news. But actions from Congress and the Trump administration, including the recently passed budget resolution, threaten to weaken the very programs that contribute to this progress. Read CHN's new report and use our social media toolkit and infographics to share the report widely.
Lecia Imbery's picture
Take Action!

TAKE ACTION: Ask Senator Heinrich to Support Paid Family Leave!

October 24, 2017
Whether it’s to care for a newborn you swear already smiles, a mom who is ill, or a spouse battling cancer, being there for family is what matters and you shouldn't have to give up a paycheck to do it. Unfortunately for far too many working families, that is exactly what is happening right now. Because the United States is one of the only countries in the entire world without a national paid family and medical leave policy. But we can take action, right here in New Mexico, to change this!
Erin Bennett Leighton's picture

Here's How Prison and Jail Systems Brutalize Women, Especially Mothers

October 24, 2017
Considering our nation’s merciless criminal justice policies, it comes as no surprise that the United States has the largest prison population and highest incarceration rate in the world. What you may not know, however, is that women are a fast growing demographic of the prison population. There...
Monifa Bandele's picture
Take Action!

Councilwoman’s Right to Breastfeed Being Challenged

October 23, 2017
Stunned. Outraged. That’s how I felt yesterday when I saw the news that Councilwoman Catherine Emmanuelle in Eau Claire, Wisconsin was illegally barred from breastfeeding her baby at the council dais during council meetings--because the council president decided that breastfeeding didn’t meet “our standards of decorum” for meetings.
Tina Sherman's picture
