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Politics & Policy

A Hug from Paul Ryan

May 17, 2016
Hugs are nice. But hunger advocates such as Tianna Gaines-Turner want policy-makers and members of Congress to know that as nice as a hug is, it does not put food on the table, workers in good-paying jobs, or families in affordable, secure housing. On Monday, Gaines-Turner, who lives in...
David Elliot's picture

Corporate culture and working parents – The struggle is real

May 16, 2016
Ever since becoming a full time working mother, I cringe at how we have let corporate culture consume us. I wonder why we all do not rebel against it, take a stand, talk about it, dispel it and instead join forces to establish a corporate culture that focuses on productivity within the business...
Jehanara Haider's picture

"No quiero ser princesa, quiero ser Presidente"

May 12, 2016
Este artículo apareció en el blog Mamá Especial Cuenta Conmigo . No quiero ser Princesa, Quiero ser Presidente. Cuando me quedé embarazada por quinta vez pensé que ya lo había visto todo, cuando supe que era una niña estaba segura de estar preparada. Qué ingenua era, mi quinta hija me dió lecciones...
Laura Rodriguez's picture

Pumping Milk at 40,000 Feet: Four Women Pilots Are Navigating a Course toward Fairness

May 11, 2016
Hearing a woman’s voice come over the intercom before takeoff, “this is your captain speaking,” can be a moving experience, even today: She made it! She beat the odds! A stirring sense of admiration as you check that your seatbelt is indeed securely fastened for takeoff. But women who work in roles...
Liz Morris's picture

Airline Pilots Should Not Have to Choose Between Their Jobs and Breastfeeding Their Babies

May 10, 2016
I’m a commercial airline pilot, and I love my job. As a kid, I was obsessed with airplanes. My parents encouraged my passion for flying, and in spite of the odds — women currently make up only six percent of commercial pilots — I became a pilot. I spent many years chasing my flying career. In 2002...
Shannon Kiedrowski's picture

Celebrating Asian Pacific American Heritage Month by Advocating for Our Communities

May 9, 2016
May is a beautiful time of year. We have the opportunity to celebrate Mother’s Day and enjoy the full bloom of spring. But there’s another reason May is significant for us: it’s Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Unfortunately, few people have an understanding of our communities. California is...
Aarti Kohli's picture


May 7, 2016
Mother’s Day is bittersweet for tens of thousands of families separated by incarceration who wish they were together. A majority of women in prison and jail are mothers; more mothers are locked away in “detention facilities” for immigrants and refugees seeking asylum. Some organizations are...
Rachel Roth's picture

Momentum is growing for sentencing reform!

May 6, 2016
Inspiring. Last week, celebrities, advocates, and clemency recipients descended on Capitol Hill for a #JusticeReformNow briefing to talk about our country’s desperate need to end mass incarceration. We then met with lawmakers and staff to deliver MomsRising's petitions on Justice and Sentencing...
Felicia Burnett's picture

What Moms Really Need for Mother's Day

May 6, 2016
Flowers are purchased, cards are mailed and brunch reservations are made. Mother’s Day is here again. But what many moms really need for this holiday is something much different – and much more substantial. Just in time for Mother’s Day, the Department of Labor held an event yesterday to discuss...
Lecia Imbery's picture

Child Watch® Column: Stories of Mother Love

May 6, 2016
As we celebrate mothers and grandmothers, foster mothers, and all those who step in to parent children in need, let’s pledge to take responsibility not only for our own children and grandchildren but for all children or at least for one child who may not be our own.
Marian Wright Edelman's picture
