U.S. Senate Republicans are VERY close to repealing our health care! (Call now!)
September 20, 2017
Yikes! Health care is under attack again—and we need to do everything we can to protect our health care! This is an emergency: The new Cassidy-Graham bill that’s being proposed is even more harmful and destructive to our health care than previous bills and would take away coverage from tens of millions of people.
→ Make your voice heard to protect health care! Call RIGHT NOW to tell your U.S. Senator, “Protect our health care now!” Just dial 1-888-496-4842 and we’ll connect you.
The bad news is that the U.S. Senate Republicans are VERY close to finding the 51 votes they need to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare). They have until Sept. 30 to pass this disastrous bill, so we're in a sprint to the finish to save health care coverage for millions of people!
We can’t let up! We have to make sure our U.S. Senators understand that taking away coverage from millions of people, ripping protections away from people with pre-existing conditions, and undermining women’s access to comprehensive health coverage—including reproductive health coverage—is NOT acceptable!
Raise your voice! Tell your U.S. Senators to work in a bipartisan way to secure and strengthen the Affordable Care Act and reject this new attempt to repeal it! Dial 1-888-496-4842 NOW!
Thanks for all you do and for sticking with us throughout this fight!
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