Adriana lives in Olympia Washington and has been a proud Momsrising member for over 10 years. Throughout her life she wanted to do something to change the world but did not know where to start. One day she got an email request to sign a petition from, and the rest is herstory! Adriana has three special needs kids and was the primary caregiver for her parents and grandmother for 14 years. She knows first hand the challenges facing families today, and her experiences are what shape her motto—Never Give Up!
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Op-Ed from The Olympian
January 3, 2019
This Op-Ed was originally published in The Olympian on JANUARY 03, 2019 As a mom with three special-needs kids who also has been a family caregiver, I know first hand how challenging it can be to take care of your loved ones when they need it most. And like many people my age, I am part of the sandwich generation of caregivers who find themselves needing to simultaneously care for their aging parents and their children. This also means that I know just how important access to paid family and medical leave is to working families. When my mother was dying, I had no access to paid family and...
October 17, 2018
What is the big deal with the midterm elections? Everyone is talking about them. It seems you can’t surf social media, listen to the radio, or watch television without hearing something about them these days. What is the big whoop? Well, let me tell you why they are important and why I am voting. Remember in junior high when you learned about the branches of government and checks and balances? The House of Representatives and the Senate are where bills are introduced, voted on, and then passed onto the President’s desk. He can either veto the bills or sign them into law. All the members House...