Alicia Delagarza has two children, six grandchildren, and runs a home childcare in Porterville, California. She is a member of, a national family advocacy organization with more than a million members across the United States.
Alicia Delagarza
Alicia Delagarza has two children, six grandchildren, and runs a home childcare in Porterville, California. She is a member of, a national family advocacy organization with more than a million memb
Blog Post List
November 1, 2013
As a mother, grandmother and small business owner in Porterville, California, I can say for sure that each day the U.S. House of Representatives fails to act on immigration reform is a lost opportunity for our community. This negligence is mostly felt by women and children who make up two-thirds of all immigrants in our country, according to the U.S. Census . I run an at-home childcare center and am in regular contact with other childcare providers who have shared stories about children being separated from their parents while at the childcare center. Just a few days ago, childcare provider...