First Focus is a nonpartisan advocacy organization dedicated to making children and families the priority in federal policy and budget decisions.
Blog Post List

September 15, 2017
This week the U.S. Census Bureau released annual data on child poverty. Here is some analysis of the numbers, which you can read more about in this letter sent to Congress and in my blog post . In addition, next week, the U.S. Child Poverty Action Group will be leading a Twitterstorm to share these data findings – and we want your voice included. If you aren’t familiar, the U.S. Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) is a broad-based coalition of child-focused organizations dedicated to setting the goal of cutting the U.S. child poverty rate in half within a decade. We are proud to include...

April 18, 2017
Today is Tax Day, marking the deadline for Americans to file their taxes with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For many families living below the poverty line, the arrival of Tax Day means they can usually count on receiving money back from the government to use for everyday expenses such as rent, groceries, transportation to work, and even necessities such as diapers for young children. Many families have already earmarked this money before they receive it to help catch up with unpaid credit card or medical bills, or to make necessary car or home repairs. This money in the form of tax...
January 10, 2014
This week marks the 50th anniversary of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s declaration of the War on Poverty, when he called for every American citizen to be able to fulfill his basic hopes, including maintaining the well-being of his family. While many investments established by the War on Poverty have been significant in improving the well-being of low-income individuals and families, recent years have seen a dramatic increase in child poverty – culminating in a twenty-year high of 22 percent in 2010. For decades children have seen higher rates of poverty than any other age group in America. In...
November 29, 2012
Asthma is the single most common chronic condition among children in the United States – currently 7 million children suffer from asthma. It is the leading cause of missed school days and accounts for more than $10 billion in health care expenditures each year. Now more than ever, we need to work together to find out what works, translate research to effective policy, and replicate promising efforts in communities nation-wide. The Merck Childhood Asthma Network is attempting to do just that, and has partnered with the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services...