Carolina Rubio-MacWright was born in Bogota, Colombia, where she lived until age 20, when a need for a safer place to call home was necessary. She graduated Magna Cum Laude from Florida International University with a Bachelor of Fine Art. After graduation, she felt the need to understand the legal system, at which point she moved to Oklahoma City where she received her Juris Doctorate Degree. Her time in Oklahoma's legal world opened her eyes to the realities of the broken American legal system as well as the immigration law system. She has worked with different organizations and law firms in Oklahoma City, Miami and now New York City. She currently lives in Brooklyn focussing on immigrant advocacy and empowering her immigrant community with artistic workshops mixing art and know your rights information, she is also an immigration consultant and mother of two.
Blog Post List

February 21, 2018
Como madres, padres y personas que se preocupan por los niños, le pedimos que proteja a los niños y familias y que rechace la política propuesta por el DHS que separaría a los niños migrantes de sus padres en la frontera. Esta política es inhumana, cruel e innecesaria y traumatizaría aún más a los niños y familias que buscan refugio en EE.UU. La separación también podría crear el caos en nuestro sistema de atención actual. La Oficina de Reasentamiento de Refugiados (ORR, por sus siglas en inglés), es la entidad encargada de la custodia de los niños no acompañados y un aumento repentino de...
December 21, 2017
DREAMers, along with temporary protected status ("TPS") holders, are fighting for a legislative solution that will allow them to continue pursuing their dreams in our nation while also contributing to our economy. TPS is a form of temporary humanitarian relief that Congress established, whereby the Attorney General may provide TPS to certain designated countries that are going through catastrophe. This protects those immigrants from being sent back to a place that's highly dangerous or deadly. TPS status is granted for immigrants who were in the United States when their home country was...
December 21, 2017
Te presento a Elías, él es uno de los 800,000 DREAMers que en este momento se encuentran peleando por poder continuar en este país. Los DREAMers son jóvenes que fueron traídos a los EE.UU como ni ños. Muchos DREAMers como Elias, no sabían que no eran ciudadanos hasta que se dieron cuenta que no podían continuar con su educación y sueños profesionales de la misma manera que lo hacían sus amigos. Después de que Elías perdió trágicamente a su madre, él no supo que eso también significó quedarse indocumentado. El programa DACA le permitió contar con una autorización de trabajo y poder estar...
December 21, 2017
Meet Elias. He is one of 800,000 Dreamers fighting for their ability to continue with their lives in the United States. Dreamers are young people that were brought to the U.S. as children. Many Dreamers, like Elias, did not know that they were not citizens until they were unable to pursue their education and professional dreams alongside their peers. After Elias tragically lost his mother, he did not know that carried another tragic burden of becoming undocumented. The DACA program allowed him to have a work permit and to be protected from deportation, which propelled his dreams as he worked...
September 14, 2017
We built up the pressure and it paid off! Thanks to your signatures and phone calls, Maria Solis, a 28-year-old pregnant mother was released from immigration detention! Maria has spent 5 weeks at Otay Mesa detention center in San Diego, California, where she feared miscarrying due to a lack of access to the prenatal care she needs. Less than two weeks ago, you took action to urge Maria’s release from jail where she was not getting the prenatal care she needed. Detaining her during her immigration proceeding in her current condition was inhumane, unnecessary, and put her life and pregnancy at...
Take action!
September 1, 2017
Maria Solis, a 28-year-old pregnant mother of three who is married to a US citizen, has spent over four weeks at Otay Mesa detention center in San Diego, California, where she fears miscarrying due to a lack of access to the prenatal care she needs. Detaining her during her immigration proceeding in her current condition is inhumane, unnecessary, and puts her life and pregnancy at risk. Join us and urge U.S. Senator Harris, U.S. Senator Feinstein, Representative Issa and Representative Vargas to push for Maria’s release so she can access critical health care for her pregnancy! On August 1st...