My youth was spent moving, moving, moving, Army brat that I was. At one point I earned a degree (with honors) in International Relations and promptly went to work helping juvenile delinquents. Moving to San Francisco, I was the “third parent” to my lovely niece and spent many hours doing pajama parties, watching movies over and over, gymnastics, swim meets, soccer, homework, marching band, two graduations and now as neighbors. Also became pal “aunt” to my second niece, spending summers and holidays being there as her mom battled and ultimately lost to breast cancer. She’s about to graduate from high school, yikes, where have the years gone!
My entire professional life has found me working for non-profits, spending many years in the international arena and now based in Washington D.C. I work in the association community, earned my CAE, and recently authored the chapter, Membership Communications, in the ASAE book, "Membership Essentials". I currently am the Director of Membership in AAUW, (100,000 members) and make a point of posting on our blog at least once a week ( Our mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research. By joining AAUW, you belong to a community that breaks through educational and economic barriers so that all women have a fair chance.