I currently work as the Health Program Director at NC Child. In my role, I analyze/ research health policy and work with partners to improve child and family health.
Blog Post List

December 5, 2018
Last week we got some sobering news on children’s health in North Carolina: After years of progress, the rate of children with no health coverage in our state has reversed course. Nearly 5% of kids in North Carolina now have no health insurance (that’s 119,000 children) – despite the fact that our economy is on an upswing. The Georgetown Center for Children & Families released a new report that showed an uptick in the rate of children without health insurance nationwide – for the first time in nearly a decade. Having health insurance means that children can get the well checks they need,...
October 5, 2018
Strong health insurance is at the core of ensuring that children and their caregivers have access to effective physical and behavioral health services. Child advocates, take note: Medicaid, the health insurance program for over 1 million North Carolina children, is in the midst of a full-scale “transformation” that will have major implications for child and family health in the coming years.The process to transform North Carolina’s Medicaid and NC Health Choice programs officially began three years ago with the passage of Session Law 2015-245. Here are three things you should know about the...