Dream hampton has written about culture for 20 years. She's a mother, an organizer and an award-winning filmmaker. She lives in Detroit.
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Take Action!

February 2, 2016
As parents, we do all we can to keep our kids healthy. And we rely on our government to make sure we have access to essentials like clean water. That shouldn't change depending on what color we are, our income level, or where we live. That's why we're beyond mad about the lead contamination of drinking water in Flint, Michigan. Join us in demanding justice from the Michigan State Legislature. When you click this link, you instantly sign on if we already have all your information. http://action.momsrising.org/sign/Flint_2016/ Here's what happened. In April 2014, in an effort to cut costs, an...
November 29, 2013
The holiday season is officially begun! With so many treats, family dinners and festive parties on the horizon, we could all use help staying healthy. Consider this blog a supportive recipe box that you can return to with one quick click during the harried holiday season. We'll be updating with recipes from our favorite bloggers and awesome shares from everyday moms and dads from our #FoodFri recipe share. Enjoy your healthy holidays! Bryant Terry's Citrus Collard Greens Yoli's Fresh Cranberry Salsa Erika's Homemade Pancakes Sweet Potato & Red Lentil with Kale Topping Corned Beets &...
August 8, 2013
MomsRising continues to invest in developing a social media community that can influence national conversation and be activated and organized around school food and food marketing to children. In less than six months #FoodFri tweetchats grew to regularly reach millions, trending nationally almost weekly. MomsRising’s #FoodFri continues to be a favorite weekly social media destination for thousands. A recent tweet chat with superstar chef Jamie Oliver and Grammy winning singer/songwriter and education activist John Legend reached more than 7 million people and exposed more than 150 million...
August 7, 2013
FRAC and MomsRising invite you to a tweetchat this Friday, August 9th at 1 PM EDT for a special #FoodFri tweetchat with Massachusetts Congressman Jim McGovern about SNAP and Hunger In America . We hope you will join us to tweet your comments, resources and questions by adding the hashtag #FoodFri to your tweets at that time. Tweetchats are a great way to raise awareness about important issues, share resources, and increase your Twitter following. We hope you’ll join us! Here are a few model tweets to get involved, Please share widely: · Join a #FoodFri conversation between FRAC (Food Research...
July 12, 2013
This Friday, an incredible film opens in theaters. Fruitvale Station follows the true story of Oscar Grant (played by Michael B. Jordan), a 22-year-old Bay Area resident who was unjustly killed by a police officer on New Year’s Day 2009. The film’s director wanted to tell the story through the eyes of the people that knew him best. And the most important people in his life were women - his girlfriend, his mom, and his young daughter. Ryan Coogler is a 26 year-old filmmaker from the East Bay Area, California who has been making movies for five years. His feature length screenplay FRUITVALE,...
March 15, 2013
Donuts, sugary drinks, soda and salty chips are not the kind of midday snacks options I offer my daughter. At home, I do what I can to control what snack options are available to my family, but vending machines and à la carte lines in her school lunch room sabotage my efforts. I know I'm not alone. At a recent drop-in at my daughter's school, the line of students that began at a vending machine stocked with 4-packs of dusted donuts and other unhealthy snacks, seemed a block long. That's why I am encouraged that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has just released proposed nutritional...
March 11, 2013
I wish I were the kind of mom who could say her daughter is repelled by junk food, that she craves only fruits and vegetables. But no, given the option, my kid will choose barbecue potato chips over carrots, a six pack of dusted mini donuts over whole grain tortilla chips. At home, I do what I can to control what snack options are available to my family, but vending machines and à la carte lines in her school lunch room sabotages my efforts. I know I'm not alone. At a recent drop-in at my daughter's school, the line of students that began at the vending machine seemed a block long. That's why...
January 30, 2013
Here at MomsRising, we work virtually--on the phone and on our computers. Somehow, that hasn't stopped us from passing around this mean winter bug that has made national news headlines the past two weeks. Every other day one of us was sending icky morning email updates about fevers and persistent coughs we were battling, kids' puke we were cleaning, or some fun combination of it all. One of my co-workers, Ruth, who dedicates most of her days fighting for paid sick days for moms everywhere, asked us to tweet or email pics of our sick selves and kids to our local lawmakers, urging them to pass...
November 16, 2012
Today’s news about the demise of Twinkie and other Hostess snacks is a complicated story of big business versus labor. But it’s also about an unhealthy snack, whose shelf life is rumored to be nonexistent, refusing a makeover. Though most media outlets let CEO Gregory Rayburn write their headlines, Hostess is not simply closing because of striking workers. In the beginning of the year Hostess Brands, which also makes lunchbox snacks like Ding Dongs and Ho Hos filed for Chapter 22, because they’d just emerged from Chapter 11 bankruptcy the previous September. By July, the company’s...
February 21, 2012
Editor's Note: This article originally appeared in Ebony magazine. Many thanks to Dream Hampton for permission to re-publish. -E.B. That the Latin definition of triumvirate translates literally into "of three men" hasn't stopped my favorite triumvirate from being three Bessies: three very special sister-heroes who just happen to share the same name. I came to these women from very different directions, but they triangulate my ancestral altar in deeply personal and meaningful ways. For Black History Month, I'll share "my" Bessies. Of "my" Bessies, Bessie Coleman is the most famous. As a...