Elizabeth Duda is the mother of three elementary and pre-school aged children. After becoming alarmed at the amount of candy her children received from other people (in stores, extracurricular activities, and schools), she started speaking up. In doing so, she was given the opportunity to co-chair the PTO health-and-wellness committee, building it up from a strong foundation focusing on nutrition to also include physical activities. She also joined Eat Smart Move More York County, a collaborative, community-based coalition comprised of members striving to reduce the number of overweight and obese residents in York County, South Carolina. When her first child entered kindergarten, she was able to go part time in her bank-regulator job enabling her to spend more time with her kids and on community activities. She has an extremely supportive, wonderful husband who also values exercise and healthy eating.
Elizabeth Duda
Elizabeth Duda is the mother of three elementary and pre-school aged children. She also co-chairs the PTO health-and-wellness committee.
Blog Post List
September 9, 2015
As a mother, I want the best for my children. I try to give them opportunities to live a healthy, happy life. This includes limiting the amount of candies and sweets they eat, and trying to make sure their schools keep student health in mind. At the beginning of the year, I share my opinion with my children's teachers, principals and PTA/PTO by writing a respectful letter noting that food treats put students suffering from allergies, obesity, tooth decay, diabetes, pre-diabetes or liver disease at risk. The food giver cannot know if the treat fits into the student's diet that day and many...