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October 21, 2014
Next to quality child care, flex time–much more than high tech fertility–is the most effective benefit companies could give women, and increasingly, men as well, to enhance opportunities to advance their careers while garnering better retention rates and job satisfaction without compromising productivity.
March 8, 2012
“ If women want any rights more than they got, why don’t they just take them, and not be talking about it. ” — Sojourner Truth, 1797-1883, former slave, abolitionist, women’s rights activist, Methodist minister Truth’s admonition seems archaic now. Why are we still “talking about it?” Is women’s history of struggle for equal rights relevant in a world where women have outpaced men in earning college degrees, equaled their numbers in the workplace, and snatched the family purse to make 85% of consumer purchases? Since “The End of Men” has been declared and women dubbed “Mistresses of the...
August 25, 2011
As second wave feminism gathered peak velocity forty years ago, the late bombastic and behatted Congresswoman (D-NY) Bella Abzug persuaded Congress to designate Aug. 26th as Women’s Equality Day . It recognized the 19th Amendment to the Constitution that in 1920 gave all U.S. women the right to vote. There are many reasons to celebrate the 91st anniversary of women winning the ballot, which some suffragist leaders mistakenly believed culminated the struggle for women’s rights. But it turns out the solution to a problem changes the problem--creating uncomfortable new questions about the value...