Maegan Ortiz is the founder and publisher of the Vivir Latino and Mamita Mala websites. She is also a mom, writer, activist and social media consultant based in Los Angeles, California.
Maegan Ortiz
Maegan Ortiz is the founder and publisher of the Vivir Latino and Mamita Mala websites. She is also a mom, writer, activist and social media consultant based in Los Angele
Blog Post List
September 26, 2013
There are more than 11 Million undocumented people living, working, and dreaming in the USA. We need to hear their voices and stories loud and clear during the debates over immigration policy reform. Those voices, reflections of lived experiences, should be centered and uplifted. On October 5th and 6th, in Los Angeles, Boston and everywhere where immigrants and their allies want to share their stories, there will be an event focusing on connecting those stories with tech and media tools. Immigrants, their children, and allies already have the stories. They exist in lived experiences often...