Miriam Rotkin-Ellman researches industrial air pollution, pesticides, and other toxic chemicals, as well as the links between public health and global warming. Since joining NRDC, she has studied the effects of the 2006 California heat wave, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. She has worked with California’s Climate Action Team’s Public Health Workgroup and has also served as an advisor to the California Environmental Health Tracking Program. Prior to joining NRDC, Rotkin-Ellman was an environmental scientist with the New Mexico Environment Department. She earned her bachelor’s degree in environmental sciences from Brown University and her master’s in environmental health sciences from the University of California, Berkeley. She is based in San Francisco.
Blog Post List

August 24, 2017
Chlorpyrifos is a toxic pesticide that is commonly used in conventional agriculture and widely found on fruits and vegetables. Pediatricians and children’s health experts worry about exposure to chlorpyrifos (and other chemicals in the pesticide class known as organophosphates) because it is a neurotoxicant. This means that it disrupts the normal development of the brain and increases the risk of learning disabilities. Children and pregnant women are particularly threatened by exposure to chlorpyrifos, and children in agricultural communities are at the greatest risk. Tweet: Chlorpyrifos...

August 11, 2017
Chlorpyrifos (pronounced “klor-PEER-a-foss”) is a commonly used pesticide that damages the developing brains of children. Significant science shows that exposures to low levels of chlorpyrifos early in life can lead to increased risk of learning disabilities including reductions in IQ, developmental delay, autism, and ADHD. Even low-level exposure during pregnancy and childhood worry pediatricians and children’s health experts for increasing the risk of these lifelong impairments in children. Last fall, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency deemed this pesticide to be unsafe and announced...