The National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group dedicated to promoting fairness in the workplace, access to quality health care and policies that help women and men meet the dual demands of work and family. More information is available at
National Partnership for Women & Families
The National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group dedicated to promoting fairness in the workplace, access to quality health care and policies that help women and men meet the dual demands of work and family.
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![[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A text logo for In Our Own Voice: National Black Women's Reproductive Justice]](
December 11, 2019
What do rising maternal mortality rates and restrictive abortion laws have in common, women of color are disproportionately impacted. The National Partnership for Women & Families and In Our Own Voice: National Black Women’s Justice Agenda examine the connections in a new issue brief.

September 7, 2017
For kids, heading back to school can be an anxious and exciting time – figuring out new routines, adjusting to different teachers and classmates and navigating changes in social and academic environments, all while growing and learning. Employed parents stress about these changes too, but the millions of moms, dads and caregivers without access to paid sick time also have to worry about cold and flu season and what will happen if their kids get sick.
September 19, 2012
Late yesterday, it became disappointingly clear that voters in Orange County will not see a proposal for earned sick time on their ballots in November. Despite the will of at least 46,000 Orange County voters and a broad coalition of workers, businesses and advocates who played by the rules, Mayor Teresa Jacobs and county commissioners ignored their duties and caved to special interests to keep citizens from being able to vote. This is the most blatant example I’ve seen of moneyed special interests using their clout to subvert the purest tool of citizen democracy: the right of citizens to...
September 14, 2012
What is going on in Orange County, Florida? For anyone paying attention to the effort to establish an earned sick day standard in the Sunshine State, this is a legitimate question. The events of the past few days have been confusing at best – and, quite simply, they defy reason and threaten to subvert democracy. Let’s recap: First, more than 43,000 Orange County voters pledged their support for putting an earned sick days proposal on the November 6th ballot. Soon after, that petition was certified – officially qualifying the measure for the November ballot. In accordance with the county...
November 18, 2011
By Vicki Shabo, Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women & Families Health reform has underscored the imperative to increase access to health care, improve quality and reduce costs. According to a thought-provoking new report released by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) this week, paid sick days can – and should – play a significant role in reaching these goals. Paid Sick Days and Health: Cost Savings from Reduced Emergency Room Visits finds that, regardless of workers' access to health insurance, there are undeniable connections between the...
October 14, 2011
This year, we have achieved significant victories in our work to ensure more working people have the right to earn paid sick days. From Seattle to Connecticut, paid sick days standards have gained support and momentum. Now, one state and three cities guarantee workers this basic right. This November, the city of Denver could become the fourth. On November 1st, Denver voters will consider a city ballot initiative that would let workers earn paid sick days to use when they or a family member is ill. Right now, more than 100,000 workers in Denver – 40 percent of workers and 72 percent of food...
September 26, 2011
The arrival of a new child should be a time of pure celebration. Sadly, for millions of working parents without paid leave in this country, the joyous occasion can be short-lived. Many of these parents have to make an impossible choice: take time off to recover and care for their new child, or return to work to keep their jobs and protect their families’ economic security. A mere 11 percent of workers in this country have paid family leave through their employers, and fewer than 40 percent have access to personal medical leave through employer-provided short-term disability insurance. As the...
August 24, 2011
Fall can be a challenging time for any working parent. Summer is over. Kids are headed back to school – and flu season is around the corner. When a child starts coughing and sneezing or spikes a fever, many parents are filled with dread. But for parents whose jobs do not offer paid sick days, these fears are compounded by worries about how they will care for a sick child and make ends meet. That’s why this is also a good time of year to raise awareness about the need for a common sense paid sick days standard in this country. More than 44 million workers in the United States are in jobs that...
May 10, 2011
By Vicki Shabo, Director of Work and Family Programs, National Partnership for Women & Families Mother’s Day. It’s a day when we shower the mothers in our lives with well-deserved compliments and gifts that show our appreciation. The heartfelt thanks, expressed in cards, flowers and chocolates, certainly have their place, but mothers today also need something much more lasting – policies that let them meet their own needs and those of their families. Today, too many mothers have to choose between the health and wellbeing of their families and their economic security because the United...