Nicole is a classical trained culinary grad who previously worked as a pastry chef in various establishments in Seattle. She is currently studying nutritional therapy to become certified as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner in order to help those in her community live more vibrant lives. Raised in the PNW, she lives in Seattle with her husband and two daughters. She enjoys cooking, painting, gardening, and spending time outdoors.
Blog Post List
Programa de permisos familiares pagados de WA
November 14, 2018
Desde niña, supe que quería tener hijos. Mi esposo y yo nos casamos cuando éramos relativamente jóvenes y decidimos tratar de tener hijos cuando teníamos veintitantos años, por si acaso no podíamos si tratábamos después de los treinta. Como trabajamos en la industria alimenticia, no íbamos a poder pagar por tratamientos de fertilidad si los necesitábamos. Cuando nos dimos cuenta de que estábamos embarazados con nuestra hija mayor, estábamos muy contentos pero preocupados de lo que íbamos a hacer cuándo regresara a trabajar. Soy repostera profesional y en ese entonces trabajaba en una cadena...
Premature Awareness Month
November 14, 2018
Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to have kids. My husband and I married somewhat young, and we decided to try having kids when we were in our twenties, just in case it might not work out if we tried in our thirties. With our chosen professions in the food industry, there would have been no way to pay for fertility treatments if we needed them. When we found out we were pregnant with our oldest child, we were excited but worried about how it would all work out with me going back to work. I’m a classically trained pastry chef, and at the time, I worked for a large upscale hotel chain...