Simon Workman is the Associate Director of Early Childhood Policy at the Center for American Progress where he focuses on elevating the need for increased investment in the early childhood system, and helping states develop policies that increase access to affordable high-quality child care for all. He lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and two young children
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March 27, 2018
I’ve always wanted a big family. But, after my second child was born the realities of multiple kids made me re-think my desire to fill a minivan. It wasn’t that we would need a bigger house, or a bigger car, or multiple plane tickets to visit family that had me most stressed out. It was the cost of child care. When my children were born, my family lived in Colorado, a state with some of the highest child care costs in the country. The combined monthly tuition for our toddler and infant in a child care center was over $3,300 a month. That’s nearly $40,000 a year, or 60% of the median household...