Dr. Stanley Howard is the founder and president of the Law and Civics Reading and Writing Institute – an education think tank whose mission is to conduct interdisciplinary research on children development and learning, and especially at-risk children. As part of his research agenda, over the past four years he has led interdisciplinary research on meeting the whole child development and learning needs of Black males, from birth through twelfth grade.
He attended Northern Illinois University, receiving a B.A. in political science, and a minor in African American studies. He has a masters degree and PhD in political science from the University of Illinois (Chicago), where he specialized in public policy analysis.
As a professor of political science, Dr. Howard has taught courses on civil rights and constitutional law at various American universities. For more than 17 years, he has presented lectures on civil rights and civil liberties to educators and teachers from around the world under the auspices of the U.S. State Department‘s international cultural exchange program. He is a member of United Nations Association Greater Chicago Chapter, an advocacy committee, where he serves on the international treaties/conventions and human rights subcommittees, and also serves as a board member for the Dimensions Foundation. Dr. Howard is also the author of the newly published book Righting America’s Wrongs: A Best Practices Manual for Educating Black Male Youth.
He lives in Chicago with his wife Anita, who is an early childhood educator and coach.
Twitter: @DrStanHoward