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November 14, 2014
Tengo tres hijos. Los míos son un poco mayores que los de usted – la mayor se acaba de ir a la universidad – y por eso me necesitan un poco menos que su bebe la necesita a usted. Pero se bien el remordimiento que siente. Y le puedo asegurar que sus hijos no la culparan por trabajar y mantener un techo sobre sus cabezas.
November 13, 2014
We don't do nearly enough in this country to help working families balance all the competing demands on their time. It's as shocking to me as it is to you that we're the only industrialized country without paid family leave. I was just in Germany where I met a young American working for an IT company there -- he doesn't want to return to the U.S. because he and his wife have started a family and they need the paid leave.

May 11, 2014
This Sunday, as we celebrate Mother’s Day and honor all of the extraordinary women who have cared for us, let’s recommit ourselves to building an economy that gives all moms the opportunity to care for their families.