Tristin Aaron's child describes her as "super old, like the oldest mom in the school." After living in all the major 90s and 00s-approved loci of end-stage capitalist gentrification, including Portland, Austin, the Bay Area and Brooklyn, she moved back to her hometown of Durham, NC, with her family in 2013. She works in the field of communications, enjoys sleeping, buying fruit in bulk, and demanding total personal and political revolution immediately. Like, right now.
Blog Post List

October 11, 2019
Yesterday in the waiting room at a therapist’s office, I met a chatty 4-year old. I told his parents he reminded me so much of my son five years ago. His mother sat up a little straighter. She turned to face me directly. She asked me to imagine I could go back and advise myself five years ago, knowing what I know now, what would I recommend? What has worked for my kid, helped him? I looked into her pleading, searching, anxious face. She got out a pen. I noticed her jovial, relaxed husband’s face, too. (And I immediately indulged in the assumption he was bathing in male privilege as the not-in...