Vanessa Rodriguez taught humanities in the New York City public schools for more than ten years before deciding to return to graduate school in pursuit of understanding exactly what—beyond her love of children—inspires her love of teaching.She is currently an Instructor of Education and advanced doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where her research has been recognized for its innovation and potential impact on education with the prestigious Harvard Initiative for Learning and Teaching (HILT) Award.
Vanessa Rodriguez
Vanessa Rodriguez is an Instructor of Education and an advanced doctoral candidate at the Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Blog Post List
May 5, 2015
In celebration of National Teacher Week I’d like to talk about the many women in teaching. It is of no surprise that teaching is a female dominated profession. Back in September the New York Times published an article “ Why don’t more men go into teaching ?” citing that more than 75% of all teachers K-12 are female. In high school classrooms that percentage jumps to 80%. So why so many women in teaching? It wasn’t always this way. As I describe in my book The Teaching Brain , before teaching became a mostly female profession, young men went into teaching for one or two years to gain practical...