Tell the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that family separation can never happen again!
The Zero Tolerance policy enacted by the Trump administration that created family separation is a stain on our nation’s history. Using children as ploys in the name of immigration enforcement is not only illegal, but incredibly immoral, inhumane, and damaging to those families impacted by this harmful policy.
Sign on! Tell the Biden Administration to right the wrongs of Trump's cruel Zero Tolerance policy and to take immediate action to prevent family separation from ever happening again! *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
This is a critical moment! Right now, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is asking for comments from the public on how to keep this cruel policy of family separation from ever happening again. The agency will then collect all public comments and write up a report detailing how to prevent the federal government in the future from separating children from their parents. And guess what? That report will go directly to President Biden’s desk! He needs to know that the fair treatment of immigrant families is a priority for moms and everyone who cares about families. That’s where you come in!
SIGN: Help us urge the Biden Administration to take immediate action to right the wrongs of Trump’s cruel family separation policy and ensure children and families are not separated by our immigration system! *When you click, you’ll automatically sign on if we already have your information.
Not only does the Biden administration need to reunify all families that were separated by Trump’s cruel family separation policies, it must end other Trump era policies like the Remain in Mexico (MPP) and Title 42 policies that improperly turn away people seeking life-saving protection in the United States and result in children being separated from their families. For more information on these policies and how they impact children and families, see: American Immigration Council and The Young Center.
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