Your Signature Needed on the Week's Top 5 Actions! 12/6/2019

It's the last month of the year, and of the decade. Wow. While time may go quickly, our movement to demand an economy that works for women and families will have lasting, enduring impact. And it's built by the individual actions of fired-up people like you. Please scroll down for our latest list of top actions, and be sure you've added your name to all. Once you do, share this list with family and friends. Thank you! =>
1. Call Your U.S. Representatives NOW To Tell Them: Support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act!
BACKGROUND: In a recent survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation, about a quarter of Americans said they’ve had trouble paying for a prescription. A QUARTER! It doesn’t have to be this way. There are solutions and our government can fix this. Thankfully, more and more people (across party lines) support government action to help cut the cost of medications—so now we have the momentum to make Congress take action! It’s a critical time to make our voices heard as Congress is currently considering legislation that would begin to lower prescription drug prices! Call your U.S. Representatives NOW to ask them to support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act!
2. SNAP Is Under Attack. Share why it matters to you and your family
BACKGROUND: We will not stand by while President Trump attempts to take food stamps away from struggling families in order to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and big corporations. Personal stories are powerful and make a huge difference in helping members of Congress understand why nutrition programs are important to so many Americans. Please tell us how SNAP has helped you. After you share your story with us, we’ll share your thoughts and experiences with key decision-makers.
3. Latina Equal Pay Day was *NOVEMBER* 20. Shocked? Sign your name now.
BACKGROUND: Latinas have to wait until November 20th – nearly the end of 2019 – to earn what white men made in just 12 months in 2018. Yes, that’s nearly 11 extra months of work. Absolutely unacceptable. When it comes down to dollars and cents, Latinas are paid just 54 cents for every dollar paid to white men. Latina moms, over 60% of whom are breadwinners for their families, make even less – just 46 cents for every dollar paid to white dads. TAKE ACTION! Tell Congress: Close the wage gap for Latinas with a package of bills that would advance equal pay!.
4. KEEP RISING: It’s a Year End Match!
BACKGROUND: Make a contribution today that will mobilize moms to engage in our democracy and vote, stand strong against hate, and continue making the world a better, safer, more just place for ALL moms and families. Contribute BY DEC. 31 and a sister MomsRising donor will DOUBLE your gift!
✔ Your contribution matched
✔ Every gift gets a MomsRising sticker
✔ Contribute $100+ to get a sticker + cool tote
5. Let's Increase Funding for Child Care and Head Start This Year!
BACKGROUND: The struggle is real when it comes to finding high-quality, affordable care for our children. The Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), the major federal child care program, helps families with the cost of child care and supports states to improve the quality and supply of care. Families deserve enriching child care options that won’t break the bank and will work for them, and child care assistance is essential for helping families find and afford the high-quality care they need! SIGN NOW to urge Congress to increase funding for Head Start and the Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) in the FY 2020 budget!
Thanks for all you do!
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