Meal planning is the most effective way to incorporate and budget healthy eating into your family’s meals. Typically, local supermarkets will share their upcoming sales and deals mid-week. Save the sale ad and begin drafting a shopping list of the meats, fruits and vegetables on sale that week.
Browse your favorite blogs, Pinterest and cookbooks for low fat meals. I highly recommend The Skinnytaste Cookbook and Run DMT’s recipes. ;-) If you have picky eaters, get the kids involved to look through the cookbooks and search for recipes that look interesting to them. You’d be surprised as to what they pick when offered a choice!
Compare the recipes to the foods on sale and add the ingredients your shopping list. Also remember to add your favorite healthy snacks and school lunch choices for the kiddos to your list. Here’s a video I created which demonstrates this process step-by-step. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7LW0eJzJjs&list=UUARCNld1ZYKlQYDrVqv82yg
Once you plan your meals for the week, COMMIT TO IT! Post it for the whole family to see. Hang a chalkboard or wipe board in your kitchen to display your dinner menu. Use a old frame and insert a dinner print out for another fun reusable option. I use a dollar store pocket planner and store it next to my cookbooks. Do whatever works for you and STICK TO IT! This will not only help you eat healthier but also not waste the healthy foods you purchased.
Every Sunday on my blog, I share my family’s dinner menu in a weekly “Pinning and Planning” feature. Stop by this Sunday and check it out!
Follow Denise at @denisermt on Twitter and @run_dmt on Instagram! She also shares her running adventures, recipes, fitness tips and family fun on her blog, www.deniseisrundmt.com/
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