Read Impactful Stories about Our Members' COVID-19 Experiences & Tell Congress #ReliefCantWait!
We’re approaching a crisis on top of another crisis during this COVID-19 pandemic. Unless Congress acts quickly, many of the pandemic relief policies that have been lifelines for our families (such as expanded unemployment benefits, emergency paid family leave and earned sick days, and eviction protections) will all expire on December 31st.
Families have waited way too long for Congress to take action! Read some stories from our members about how this pandemic has affected their lives:
While we have needed this package for months, this deadline by the end of the month to extend life-saving pandemic benefits is extremely important. About 12 million people could lose their unemployment benefits and up to 19 million people are at risk of being evicted by the end of the month. Along with this, about four in ten Americans report that they experienced food insecurity for the first time during this pandemic and 60% of Americans cite the expiration of many federal assistance programs, like enhanced unemployment benefits and stimulus payments, has made food insecurity even more difficult.
Help us take action NOW! Text RELIEFNOW to 747464 or call 1-888-754-9091 and we will connect you directly to your U.S. Senator’s office. Tell your Senator to “pass a COVID-relief package that protects all families and extends paid leave, unemployment benefits, eviction protections and funding for childcare and healthcare.” If you have a personal story about how COVID is impacting you and your family, we encourage you to share it with your Senator. Our families and economy are hurting and we need our leaders in Congress to know that we expect them to take action immediately!
After you make your calls, you can help lift up our message by sending this email to your friends and also reposting it on social media. We are using #ReliefCantWait and you can also RT us on Twitter and repost on Facebook and Instagram.
P.S. MomsRising wants to hear from you about your COVID experience! We want to increase pressure on our elected officials and policymakers to provide immediate relief to our families by directly sharing your personal experiences.
The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of MomsRising.org.
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