Lina Acosta Sandaal, MA, LMFT began her career at Vista del Mar in Los Angeles. There, she developed expertise in child and adolescent development and infant and early childhood mental health, while strengthening her resolve to support families. She has trained and participated in research studies with Yale’s Minding the Baby, National Child Traumatic Stress Network, and Child Trauma Research Program. In 2015 she was named Mujer Legendaria de Ford for quality in her field. She is the parenting expert for Telemundo’s national morning show Un Nuevo Dia. As part of her commitment to helping all families, she is a member of the Florida Maternal Mental Health Steering Committee and a consultant for the early learning team at MomsRising. She brings this expertise to her work at her center, Stop Parenting Alone, and to all the organizations who rely on her expertise and consultation on development and parenting issues.
Blog Post List

December 16, 2020
We are living in unprecedented times in a global pandemic. As a psychotherapist and child development expert, I witness and assist the anxiety and stress parents are under, and as I say, parenting is messy, and one of my missions is to help with that mess. We are currently parenting under uncertain conditions. This is not the time to demand perfection from self. It is important for parents to give themselves the grace and the time to gently move through a day with their children. This isn’t a time to be hard on ourselves as parents. We are all doing the best we can. Keep in mind that what...
Education Fund

October 1, 2020
Caminando entre un mar de personas hacia el salón, sentí que una muy esperada meta se estaba materializando. El hecho de que en nueve meses iba a poder votar estaba dando vueltas en mi cabeza. Era el mes de febrero de 2012. Había vivido en este país desde 1979 cuando vine de Colombia a los siete años. A mis 40 años finalmente me estaba convirtiendo en ciudadana de Estados Unidos y, en ese momento, como madre, profesional de la salud mental y como educadora de padres, comprendí que finalmente me iban a dar el derecho, el privilegio y la responsabilidad de votar. Nunca he tomado a la ligera...
Education Fund

September 29, 2020
Walking in a sea of people towards the ballroom, I felt the weight of a long-sought goal coming to fruition. My brain spun on the fact that nine months later, I would be able to vote. It was February of 2012. I had lived in this country since 1979 when I came from Colombia as a seven-year-old girl. In my 40th year I was finally becoming a US citizen, and in that moment as a mother, as a mental health professional, and as a parenting educator, I understood that I was finally going to be given the right, the privilege, and the responsibility of voting. I have never taken for granted the gift I...
Education Fund

August 20, 2020
When families of young children are in the midst of a difficult transition or living through a crisis, they often wonder: How do I keep my child safe? And, as part of that understanding of not being able to give enough of their time to their children, they worry about their children’s development. What is lacking? In what ways are they falling behind? Social media accounts dedicated to illustrating hacks and activities to parents that promise increases in their children’s developmental skills do not help matters. In a crisis or a difficult transition (like our current pandemic), those “...
Education Fund

March 31, 2020
Parents of young children are probably the most tired and affected during this time of staying safe at home. Young children, unlike older children, do not have the ability to separate this time of sheltering at home from “normal time.” This is why a parent of a young child needs to be careful in how they organize the days ahead, since your little one is developing and changing neurologically at a rapid pace, without care or worry of what is happening around them. For parents that have children under five, and are unsure about how to handle all the changes and the inability to do things that...

March 26, 2020
There are many baffling behaviors of teens. For many parents of teens the behavior they could slightly tolerate is now exacerbated by the quarantine. Watch Lina Acosta Sandaal, child development expert and psychotherapist and Cristy Clavijo-Kish, mom of twin teens, explain the behavior and how to manage it while sheltering at home. Originally Posted on 3/25/20 Facebook Live on the Los Tweens and Teens Page
June 20, 2019
Cross-armed and teary-eyed parents sat across from me, listening to me speak about the issues in their children’s classroom. They took a deep unified breath after I stated clearly, “There’s no such thing as a bully in a preschool classroom.” One parent stood to walk out before their partner asked them to stay. It was a tense room, tense because parents tend to get overwhelmed with fear and anger when they imagine that their three year old may be in danger of being hurt. In this meeting I was asked by the preschool to handle a tension that had been growing incrementally for months between the...

February 12, 2019
My heart sinks every time I watch the news or read my Twitter feed. How did we get here? Our country has become so polarized when it pertains to our immigration system that we have lost the ability to feel empathy for those who seek assistance. As a mental health professional, I am alarmed that our government is dividing families. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is currently separating migrant children from their parents at the border and reneging on their past promises of safety to DACA recipients. These are unnecessary policies that will cause more trauma to already traumatized...

December 18, 2018
I was sweating at the base of my spine thinking about the possibility that my two-year-old would wake up from her nap and I would have to tolerate all of the passengers staring and judging. This was my first trip alone on a flight with my daughter and my mind was whirling with multiple worst-case scenarios. I was lucky that first flight. She slept the entire 3.5 hours from Miami to Bogota. What I did not plan was the time in Bogota and the realization that it wasn’t really a vacation. What I had just chosen to do with my toddler was to take “our show on the road”. What I mean by that is that...

December 14, 2018
Every December at my center , parents ask me how to not spoil their children and how to manage the gift-giving frenzy of the holidays. The following are the answers to the most popular parent questions during the holiday: How many gifts should we give our kids? There is no magic number but if the kids are under five years old it is important to keep the number of gifts to a minimum. More than four gifts is excessive, especially if we take into account the gifts that the extended family will give to the child. If we think carefully many gifts and traditions proceed from a parental desire or...
September 12, 2018
Without these skills, children are at a higher risk for mental, behavioral and developmental disorders. The latest statistics from the CDC show that 1 in 7 children (ages 2-8-years old) have a mental, behavioral or developmental disorder. What it looks like in school while they are mastering these skills...

March 27, 2018
I have lost track of how many times I have cried and simultaneously been inspired due to the events at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland, FL. The school is close to home. I live in Miami. That morning I knew that many parents would be reaching out to me wondering how to best help their children. Part of me wishes that I would only have had to convey this advice once, but it seems that violence in our schools and our communities is a topic that we must understand and grapple with continuously, especially as parents. We have to manage what we can and cannot do to be the change...
August 4, 2017
Propósito: Ánimo o intención de hacer o de no hacer algo (DRAE) A continuación les ofrecemos una corta lista de consejos que les ayudarán a ser mejores padres y a disfrutar cada uno de sus éxitos con las personas que más nos importan, nuestros hijos. 1. Comprende tu pasado y como éste afecta tu presente . Los estudiosos de la teoría del apego afirman que lo que mejor predice cómo van a desarrollar y a prosperar sus hijos, se basa en la capacidad que tengan los padres de comprender y dar sentido a sus propias vidas. Si los padres son capaces de comprender cómo el pasado les ha afectado sus...
August 4, 2017
Muchos padres tienen preguntas sobre cómo pueden sus hijos aprender a socializar. Las siguientes preguntas surgen con frecuencia en nuestro centro: ¿Por qué se esconde y muestra tanto miedo mi niña cuando entran adultos a su clase? A los dieciocho meses los niños empiezan su primera transición hacia la autonomía. Ellos quieren explorar pero se enfrentan con el dilema de como dejar su “base segura”, que para Alaia en el colegio es su maestra y en la casa son sus padres, y explorar sus alrededores a la misma vez. Este dilema se define como el proceso de la ansiedad a la separación y es...
August 4, 2017
Many parents have questions about how their kids can learn to socialize. The following questions come up frequently at our center: Q: Why does my child hide and show fear when adults enter her classroom? A: At eighteen months, kids begin their first transition towards autonomy. They want to explore, but face the dilemma of how to leave their secure base, that for most in school is her teacher and at home, her parents, and explore their surroundings at the same time. This dilemma is defined as stranger anxiety and is necessary so that the child can explore and at the same time maintain...
August 4, 2017
intention: inˈten(t)SH(ə)n/ (noun) an aim or plan (Websters, 2005) Here is a quick list of ways to improve your parenting to enjoy success with those whom mean most to you, your children. Understand your past and how it affects your present . Attachment theorists understand that the greatest predictor of how a child will develop and thrive is how their parents make sense of their own lives. If parents make sense of how their pasts affect them, their children do well. Stop Comparing. Comparison is an automatic response of our brain to make sense of our world. Most neurologists understand that...

August 4, 2017
1.¿Qué es lo más importante cuando pensamos en la disciplina de nuestros hijos? La prevención es imprescindible con los niños menores de 5 años Asegúrese de que estén alimentados y hayan dormido bien. El hambre y el sueño provocan mala conducta en los niños. Mantenga una rutina estricta. La rutina ayuda a que el niño pueda anticipar lo que pasa y cuando pasan las cosas a su alrededor. Esto crea seguridad y autonomía que reduce la mala conducta de los niños. 2.¿Cuál es la mejor forma de disciplinar a nuestros hijos? Diríjase siempre primero a su objetivo/meta y al estado emocional antes de...

August 4, 2017
1. What is most important when we think about disciplining our kids? Prevention is essential for children under five. Make sure that they are well fed and well rested. Hunger and sleepiness cause bad behavior in children. Maintain a strict routine. A routine helps children anticipate what is going to happen and when it is going to happen in their daily lives. This creates security and autonomy, which reduce bad behavior in children.

Childcare & Early Education Families & The Federal Budget Family Economic Security Maternal Justice MomsRising Paid Family Leave Paid Sick Days Politics & Policy
February 24, 2017
It’s been a little over a month since the Women’s March. I was humbled and honored to have been part of the sister march in Miami, FL, and to this day still have not been able to wrap my mind around the magnitude of the experience. Today, I think about the energy and drive it took for all those who organized and motivated so many to speak up and express what they feel needs to happen in their communities. The Miami Women’s Rally team was amazing. They organized and got us all together in a matter of weeks. They were clear on their intentions and clear on how they hoped we would express our...

November 9, 2016
Anoche, mientras los noticieros analizaban estadísticas y hacían sus predicciones sobre las elecciones, mi correo electrónico y mi redes sociales se inundaron con mensajes y preguntas de padres con la misma preocupación. Todos estaban anticipando el tipo de conversación que tendrían con sus hijos sobre los resultados de las elecciones. Es una conversación difícil porque muchos padres no han tenido todavía la oportunidad de descifrar toda esa información. Aquí les ofrezco algunas sugerencias de como hablar con su hijo o hija sobre los resultados de las elecciones. Cómo responder a: ¿qué le...
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