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[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of a checklist]

UPDATED! It’s #ElectionDay! Here’s Everything You Need To Find Out Where to Vote Locally.

September 21, 2020
It’s go time. #ElectionDay is here - and we are here to help you find out where & how you can vote near you. → Here are three simple steps: 1- Find out WHERE you can vote: All you have to do to get your own local voting options for your area is to click this link, put in your address, and then...
MomsRising's picture

Mourning the Loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a Pioneer for Women and Powerful Champion for Justice

September 18, 2020
The passing of Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a deep, painful, immense loss for the nation. Her contributions were greater than words can express and her legacy is a country that is more fair, more just, and more healthy for women, people of color, and others whose rights have long been denied. Justice...
MomsRising's picture

18 Washington Caregivers Who are Changing Our World

September 15, 2020
To mother is to transform. Each and every day moms are shaping a more just future for us all through small and big acts alike -- whether it’s helping a tantruming toddler understand their feelings or advocating for their community with elected leaders, moms have superpowers that move us all forward...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture

18 mamás de Washington que están cambiando nuestro mundo

September 15, 2020
Ser madre significa transformar. Todos los días las mamás crean un futuro más justo para todos nosotros a través de pequeñas y grandes acciones por igual –ya sea ayudando a un infante que está en medio de una pataleta a comprender sus sentimientos o abogando por su comunidad ante sus líderes...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of the state of Florida.]

Florida! Your Voting Information and Deadlines

September 14, 2020
The 2020 General Election is going to be an important one and we are doing our part to share as much relevant information to help you with early voting. The process to request an early ballot may be a multi-step process depending on your state’s requirements. Stick with it and exercise your right...
Lucrecer Braxton's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A screenshot from a Feminist Futures Political Education video series.]

VIDEOS! Feminist Futures Political Education

September 13, 2020
MomsRising was honored to be a partner for the Feminist Futures Political Education series. During this series, we delved deep into the critical anti-racist work needed to dismantle racism and white supremacy. Catch up on the sessions you missed here:
Anita's picture
MomsVote Masks Instagram Post

Review the Week: MomsVote Special Edition [Sept. 11, 2020]

September 11, 2020
ICYMI: With 53 days until Election Day, voting dominated the content you loved, shared, or might have missed for the week ending Sept. 11, 2020. 1) INSTAGRAM: Celebrate Moms Voting With This Mask Cute, safe and supporting our get-out-the-momvote campaign this fall. ORDER: https://action.momsrising...
Kerri Karvetski's picture
Voting Info!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image that says "Vote Early."]

Get A Quick Start on Voting!

September 9, 2020
As a busy mom, dad, grandparent, or caregiver, and person who cares about democracy… Are you interested in voting by mail? MomsRising has you covered! We have a handy tool where you can double check that you’re registered to vote (please do, it’s good practice because some people get pushed off the voter rolls!) AND also request a vote-by-mail ballot if you can in your state.
Kristin's picture

Use Your Parent Voice: Join Early Edge CA's Parent Advisory Committee

September 2, 2020
Being a mother and a full-time educator is no easy task on a typical day. Adding a global pandemic in the mix definitely takes a toll on trying to figure out how to juggle multiple facets of our lives. As parents navigating COVID-19, we have a constant pressure of being 100% present at work (if we...
Marysol Perez's picture
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A graphic image of the state of Pennsylvania.]

UPDATED! Pennsylvania! Your Voting Information and Deadlines

September 1, 2020
The 2020 General Election is going to be an important one and we are doing our part to share as much relevant information to help you with early voting. The process to request an early ballot may be a multi-step process depending on your state’s requirements. Stick with it and exercise your right...
Lucrecer Braxton's picture
