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Education Fund

15 mamás que están poniendo las políticas a trabajar para las familias

July 11, 2019
Ser madre significa transformar. Todos los días, las mamás forjan un futuro más justo para todos nosotros a través de actos pequeños y grandes por igual –ya sea ayudando a un niñito a comprender sus sentimientos en medio de una pataleta o abogando por su comunidad ante los funcionarios electos, las...
Casey Osborn-Hinman's picture
Drupal Diversity & Inclusion Heart logo

Building a better open source community

May 6, 2019
Last fall I gave a presentation with a fellow Drupal Diversity and Inclusion leadership team member. Below is a video that shows our slides with audio of our talk. Enjoy!
ruby's picture
Groucho Marx glasses with fake nose and eyebrows

Don't always believe what you see

October 16, 2018
As soon as I RSVP’ed to a Facebook event for the 2019 Women’s March in Raleigh, NC back in August, I knew something didn’t smell right. The page owners were posting unintelligent memes that seemed totally out of character, and no-one would reply to my messages asking who was in charge. Knowing how...
ruby's picture

Get women voters to the polls with pre-stamped, pre-addressed postcards

October 4, 2018
Forget Wonder Woman’s lasso, ignore Black Widow’s fighting skills, and never mind Storm’s ability to control lightning… it’s time to talk about YOUR super powers. You might be thinking, "Who, me?!" Yes: YOU! You have secret super powers to turn out the vote! Click here to activate them! ***It turns...
Sara Alcid's picture
Take Action!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Group of smiling people outdoors, marching for immigrant rights]

Wells Fargo: Don’t finance companies that build prisons for families! #FamiliesBelongTogether

July 2, 2018
We are inspired by the hundreds of thousands of people who rallied this weekend all over the country in support of immigrant children and families! Your voices are making a difference! We have already defeated two very bad immigration bills in the last few weeks because Congress heard the outraged...
Kristin's picture

A national turning point

March 26, 2018
So many school shootings. So many protests. But it really is different this time. This moment reminds me of when the Greensboro Four sat down at a lunch counter in 1960 and captured the nation’s attention, largely because it was covered on national TV and the timing was right. It wasn’t nearly the...
ruby's picture

I’m ready to follow young people to a better future

February 21, 2018
Parkland students like Emma Gonzales remind me so much of myself at their age. I was ready to change the world, and I knew exactly how to do it. I also rocked the same kind of natty friendship bracelets, and even shaved my head (well, part of it). Twenty-five years ago, I helped mobilize thousands...
ruby's picture

Stay alive, stay connected

January 3, 2018
Check out the late Grace Lee Boggs on how to foster solidarity and make it through this horrible time with our souls and hopefully our social fabric intact. Her words are only becoming more and more important. “I’ve come to believe that you cannot change any society unless you take responsibility...
ruby's picture

The price of collaboration

September 12, 2017
From visiting the wonderful Dutch Resistance Museum many years ago, I knew about the "Judenrat," councils of Jewish leaders that Nazis used to facilitate the implementation of their own annihilation. Although I'm Jewish and believe it's important to remember the Holocaust, I never really spent that...
ruby's picture

What happened in Durham

August 22, 2017
Like many people, a week ago I was feeling pretty down about the state of racial justice and just basic humanity in the United States. But then something happened. In response to the hate and violence displayed in Charlottesville, hundreds of Durhamites came together for a huge vigil on Sunday night. Many friends of mine posted pictures and powerful testimonials to the collective love they felt gathered together. But I also noticed that some activists had less satisfied responses, including frustration that the mostly-white event marginalized voices of color and those with more radical tactics. Much of that frustration fed into a Monday demonstration, which had already been planned to take place in front of Durham's old courthouse, where there was a confederate monument with an inscription to "the boys who wore gray."
ruby's picture
