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MomsRising Newsroom

April 9, 2014
Statement “As an organization that represents more than a million women and mothers who regularly experience the negative effects of wage discrimination, and one that has worked tirelessly to urge Congress to take steps to end that discrimination, we at MomsRising are deeply outraged by the Senate's continuing failure to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act.  
April 8, 2014
Statement “As an organization that represents more than a million women and mothers who regularly experience the negative effects of wage discrimination, we at MomsRising applaud the President for taking action to fight wage discrimination for employees of federal contractors.   “Transparency is crucial in efforts to address this discrimination. As Lilly Ledbetter’s case proved, being able to ask about and disclose information about wages can help employees take steps to right wrongs. They must be able to do that without fear of retaliation.  
March 4, 2014
Statement “Every single one of us breathes air and in too many communities - especially in urban areas - that air is the source of dangerous and sometimes deadly pollutants that can trigger asthma attacks or cause lung disease. Cars, light trucks and SUVs are the source of many of those pollutants, meaning we can solve this problem. The Environmental Protection Agency's new standards are an important part of that solution.  
January 29, 2014
Statement “Last night’s State of the Union Address was an historic one. For the first time ever, a President of the United States squarely put center stage the issues that most affect the economic security of America’s families and of our nation: Fair pay, early learning and childcare, the minimum wage, sick days, family leave, health care, childhood obesity, gun safety, climate change, immigration policy reform, and more.  
January 29, 2014
Statement Hello, my name is Laura Mui and I am a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist with a private practice in Oakland, CA. My partner and husband, my four-year-old son and I live in San Ramon, CA. I am here today to speak about my own personal experience with wage discrimination. I would like to thank Representative Pelosi and MomsRising for inviting me here to share my story.  
December 16, 2013
News release Retail giant Target will take to Twitter to directly engage with consumers who signed petitions, wrote emails and visited local stores to urge the national chain to help protect public health and the environment. Kate Heiny, Target’s senior group manager of sustainability, will participate in the weekly #EcoTipTue Twitter party on Tuesday, December 17, at 9 pm Eastern Standard Time/6 pm Pacific Standard Time.  
December 11, 2013
Statement “The Family and Medical Leave Act, passed 20 years ago, has quite literally helped millions of people – moms, dads and others – take time off to attend to their or a family member’s medical needs. It has been a blessing. But that leave is unpaid and the law doesn’t cover 40 percent of the workforce.  
November 7, 2013
Statement “There is no real need to add trans fats to the foods we and our families eat and every reason not to. The Food and Drug Administration’s preliminary determination that partially hydrogenated oils, which are the primary source of trans fats in processed food are not safe is most welcome.  
October 29, 2013
Statement “After decades of inaction, Congress is poised to consider the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA), which would overhaul our system for regulating toxic substances. This is welcome news, but we want to be sure any new toxics legislation prioritizes the safety of families and communities, shielding them from the kinds of toxic hazards that are becoming ever more pervasive.  
