Have you ever thought about running for office but didn't know where to start? We're partnering with VoteRunLead to offer a great workshop just for you -- and it's FREE!
Who's this workshop for? Anyone who wants to learn more about what it takes to run for office at any level, from your local township to county and state levels and beyond.
What does the training cover? Practical steps and planning that a potential candidate would do to prepare her run for office. You'll receive "practical, actionable steps" to "get to know your political community, find the best office to run for, and bolster your campaign to win."
You don't need any prior experience in politics! The motto of the training is #RunAsYouAre.
Space is extremely limited, though, so be sure to sign up soon: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wework-voterunlead-present-womens-leadership-works-runasyouare-new-york-training-tickets-45990733522
***Use the discount code MOMSRISING to get in FREE!
WHAT: VoteRunLead "Run As You Are" training
WHERE: WeWork's space, 500 7th Avenue, New York, NY
WHEN: June 16, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Ready to learn more? Don't wait -- the time to sign up is now! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/wework-voterunlead-present-womens-leadership-works-runasyouare-new-york-training-tickets-45990733522
And use the discount code MOMSRISING to get in FREE.
If you're not ready to sign up but you know people who are, please forward this email to them!
Thank you for all you do! Together, we are a powerful force for women and families.
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