In This Together - Happy Mother's Day
We at MomsRising are here to offer a virtual embrace on this unprecedented Pandemic Mother’s Day. ❤️
It’s a tough one, we know. We’re mourning our loved ones. We’re trying to keep our kids occupied, healthy, and safe. Wondering how to keep our aging parents from evading social distancing rules. Worried about the future at 3:15 a.m. We are here for you, and for everyone struggling at this time.
We are in this pandemic together, but the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the fact that though we are all in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat. Some of us are experiencing more trauma than others and there are already deep racial and gender disparities that are compounded by this epidemic.
But the future is what we do and create together.
So in honor of Mother’s Day, we invite you to help build the future by joining with moms across the nation in one action. Help us send 1,000,000 voting reminder postcards to moms who haven’t always voted in the past to help them exert their voting power this November.
Every single member of the MomsRising team extends to all the moms out there a personal expression of appreciation, as represented by our Mother’s Day photo collage in this message that has every single one of our faces, and including many of our own family members.
On this Mother’s Day, we hold close everyone who has lost someone, who is struggling, and who is hurting right now. We also are encouraged by knowing that each and every one of you is out there fighting to build a better future with us.
Virtually embracing you for Mother’s Day,
- Amber, Anita, Aryan, Beatriz, Beth, Casey, Christina, Danielle, Diarra, Diana, Donna, dream, Elyssa, Felicia, Gloria, Jessica, Joan, Jordan, Joy, Julia, Karen, Keisha, Kelle, Kristin, Linda, Maggie, Monifa, Nadia, Nancy, Nate, Nina, Rocío, Rosie, Ruby, Ruth, Sara, Shanette, Sheila, Sili, Sue Anne, Tasmiha, Taylor, Tina, Tola, Xochitl
P.S. Send a Mother’s Day e-card! Make a donation to empower mothers who do the work, and celebrate or remember the mothers in your life! Your donation would not only support MomsRising’s work, but also help us celebrate our community. You can honor or memorialize a mom you love with your gift, including sending an e-card of your choice that announces your gift.
P.P.S. BONUS! - Watch our Mother’s Day video appreciating mothers -- appreciating YOU!
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